Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Evan Cristo
Drummer and songwriter with Grammy winning and nominated artists Aloe Blacc, Quetzal, Kanye West Sunday Service Rocky Dawuni and more. Well versed in Pop, Hip-hop, RnB, Jazz, Reggae, AfroBeat, High Life, Blues, Rock and Traditional Afro-Cuban, Afro-Brazilian and West African Percussion. Over 18 years of live and Studio experience.
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Here for your hip hop beats I make them to sound good to the hear.
RnBass x Urban Hip Hop/Pop specialists! We make unique tracks catered to you!! We can write you a top-line to a beat you already have!! We can also mix your records so they hit correctly when you play them back! Let me know what you need and i can deliver on it!
Need a recording done? Need your tracks mixed? Need help creating the perfect 'sound' for your song?
Get to the hooks and you'll go to the bank.
I'm a producer that works with lots of genres from cumbia to pop, rock n' roll and even reggaetton. Always in the pursue to get the artist's vision to an even greater place they didn't knew they could get.
Seasoned musician and songwriter with tons of songs and recordings done, and always up for a sonic adventure!
With over a decade of experience and support from industry giants, Evoxel delivers top-tier EDM ghost production, mixing, and mastering services, helping artists bring their vision to life with professional, standout sound and craftsmanship
Recent Successes
"EXCELLENT!!! Working with Cornell was amazing, He is so professional and kindfull, You can ask him what you want for your song and he will get it for you. I would absolutely work again with Cornell. "
"Jessie is great to work with. Her ideas were spot on, and she has an awesome voice! I am looking forward to working with her again soon - she's already done three projects for me."
"Always a pleasure. Always perfect. I would work with Della a thousand times. She is very talented. Her voice is spectacular. And her creativity knows no bounds. 100% recommended."
"Working with Jon was such a fun and professional experience, he is an amazing producer who has worked with so many amazing artists yet he is very humble and also a really nice, laid back guy that made me feel totally ..."
"Incredible voice. Well organized. Efficient collaboration. We hope to produce music with her more often. Thanks https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/track/4GeXIFp0Eib2oYMKaKdQUt"
"Great working with Leidan - he does't miss. Get in while you can! "
"Been listening to Austin's music for 25 years. What he did mastering wise to this track was awesome, and honestly beyond my capability. Comments from others were: tighter and more driving. Couldn't agree more..."