Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with eternal now
Strong relevant and emotionally compelling mixes that will attune to your fans!
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I am a freelancer audio Engineer with 4 years of experience, I studied Audio Engineering at SAE Institute London and Music Production Engineering at ITESM Monterrey
Recording artist, and composer for film, television, contemporary ballet, and concert performance.
In the beginning, Apollo created music.
I write lyrics, I make sounds, my works been streamed millions of times!
We are a multiple Beatport Top 100 Charting Producers. We Make The Future.
Specialist in acoustic instruments, indigenous instruments and world music.
I will help bring your vision into audible reality with a super fast turnaround. Music featured on ads from Ellesse and C&A amongst others
Bringing 10 years of audio editing expertise to your podcast or video, with a focus on clarity, impact, and immersive soundscapes.
Recent Successes
"Chandler is the very definition of a true rocker. He was born with a gifted voice. You know he works hard at everything but makes it look easy"
"I can always count on Sean to do a great job on the bass tracks! He does a variety of different spins; in order to mix and match the right composite! Great guy to work with and awesome musician! "
"Daniel is so talented and was great working with! I will continue to do so! "
"Great Singer! Super nice person! Easy to work with."
"Mercelo simply blew me away. The parts fit so perfectly in the song, that it felt like they had always been there. Perfectly in the pocket. Perfectly in key. Wonderful talent to work with. HIGHLY RECOMMEND"
"Emma always does wonderful, detailed work on my vocals. She's done many of my songs, and I couldn't be happier!"
"Glad for the very good choice I made asking Tamika to work on my song! She is a very skilled singer that will do exactly what you ask here to do with accuracy! She has a very good communication and will answer your ..."
"Another great delivery from Hugo. He is really good at improvising with the sax and bring my songs to a complete new level. Thanks!"
"Master of his craft, Quick, tasteful parts, great energy. Highly recommend. "