Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Esplanada
I'm a Pro rock singer, guitarist and songwriter. I have a great range with a raspiness, ideal for rock though I am versatile and open to different genres. I think out of the box and always go for unique and true. I'm the main writer vocalist and guitarist for Bloody Sam and i'm a full time session vocalist.
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More providers:
www.facebook.com/djsnirmarcus www.soundcloud.com/snir-marcus https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWRpKpa7bpsrfzchupxzwYA
STOP MESSAGING ME, this is an inactive account. Soundbetter is a scam, contact me directly through my website
I'm good in finding right groove for every melody and I'm fast at editing... Also, I write lyrics pretty quick on wanted subject.
I attended the Nimbus School of Recording and Media in Vancouver, BC, and graduated with letters of recommendation from industry professionals; Garth Richardson, and Bob Ezrin. In my time at Nimbus I obtained a diploma in both Audio Engineering and Music Production!
Here Mirko aka 9G founder of GLK Productions. I’m an italian multi-genre producer/composer,sound engineer, graphic designer and advertiser.
I am a professional Topliner/Vocalist specializing in R&B, Pop, EDM, Urban, who has worked with a number of independent artists. I write from the heart, and I thrive to connect people to my music through lyrics. I have 4+ years of industry experience and have a Master's degree in Music Business Admin.
I am a home studio producer, who mixes and masters my own music. Let me help you add professional finishing touches to your musical creations.
All Saxes (SATB), Bb & Bass Clarinet, Flute & Bansuri, Arranger for Full Brass Section
Recent Successes
"Very good, strong and versatile voice! As a person very professional en flexible! Bobby is the man!"
"Adam was great to work with. Replied quickly to emails, was friendly and positive and professional and above all a great harmonica player who was the sensitive to the needs of my song! Look forward to working with him..."
"Did the second track with Philip and he is amazing! He gets what i'm trying to accomplish and delivers results of the highest quality. He is also quite accommodative in his collaborative approach. Can't wait for next ..."
"Corey was great to work with. I was very involved through every step of the process. Went above and beyond by providing recommendations, options for direction, and opportunities for several revisions. Delivered a high..."
"Jimmy was great. His vast experience comes through in the form of a wicked-fast ability to identify what is working with a song, what isn't, and why. He delivered specific feedback that I'll use, and he also dropped a..."
"Excellent! He even added a recording for me!!! "
"Rob is the best!"
"João has the best guitar solo in the game! Shredding and melody are equally perfect! What a guitar phenomenon!"