Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Espacio
I would love to collaborate on your music. Listen to what I do as a composer, guitarist on Spanish Breeze that achieved Top 20, 2010 USA World Music Charts with Walfredo Reyes ( Chicago) and Alphonso Johnson (Weather Report, Santana), Bruce Sugar ( Ringo Starr) and Dave Garfield ( George Benson, Toto). Get in Touch.
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Hi, my name is Danny Leiva, I'm the proud owner of "El Jabalí Home Studio" located in Quito, Ecuador, I'm a sound and acoustic engineer who loves working in music projects (specially if they are pop, rock, metal related).
En nuestro Studio de Grabación trabajamos diferente. Aquí no trabajamos por "horas", trabajamos por Packages. Así la transparencia y la Calidad de su Producto final es uno Garantizado. O sea, trabajo como Productor Musical Profesional y también aparte sub-contrato a Músicos Profesionales a nivel Internacional para Grabación en Vivo Profesional.
¡Somos la solución para llegar al siguiente nivel en tus producciones musicales con un sonido impecable! We are the solution to reach the next level in your musical productions with impeccable sound!
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Controlo el sonido fuerte que la gente joven tanto busca, mi obsesión es crear el espacio mas amplio posible para que quepan todos los elementos de la canción, trabajo con multitud de técnicas de compresión y limitación para poder alcanzar un gran RMS (loudness, volumen) si el cliente lo desease, pero siempre respetando la sensación de dinámica.
🎤 Torque Studio Music: Donde Tu Voz Encuentra Su Mejor Versión 🎤
Soy amante de la musica en general, esa sensación que me hace tocar las estrellas a través del sonido es algo que puedo vivir día a día como productor musical.
Recent Successes
"Despite my album being recorded using a USB mic in a bare stone living room on a laptop, somehow François made it sound rich and full, as if it had been produced in Abbey Road. Thanks again François for your ideas, en..."
"I sent Mariami a Pop/EDM beat that I made and she did a fantastic job with the singing melody and lyrics. It sounded amazing and professional!! I will use her again for sure!"
"Great job!"
"Rudiger just added to his list of killer songs. This one is even better than I dreamed! He has this incredible knack of creating a beat, a rhythm that draws you in and makes you move. What a fun song!"
"Joe is an amazing friend, artist and communicator. He helped me translate some songs between English and Spanish. If you want your music to go international this is the person to collaborate with! 👍📝🌎"
"It was wonderful working with Lee; I am so excited about the production on this track! Can't wait to work with him again!"
"Simply amazing mixing and mastering service! Totally recommended! Thanks a lot dear Chris!!!"