Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Eric Kane
From having his songs used in hit Netflix originals ("Love is Blind", "Love Island", etc.) to writing for Sony India on songs that have reached over 10 million views, Josh Sahunta has been working tirelessly as a producer, songwriter, vocalist and guitar player for over 10 years.
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Sound Engineer Live mixing PA clubs sound system design , tuning and optimization
High quality drum recordings tailored for your song. Over 20 years of experience. Providing strong backbeats and tasty grooves for a vast array of artists in the genres of Pop, Rock, Country, Funk, Hip Hop and Metal.
Free Revisions to blend to your taste!
I am a professional cellist living in Scotland and working throughout Europe.
Analog mixing and mastering, Mix Master specialist. World-class mixing and mastering skills and technology at your disposal. I'm committed to delivering the best possible results and fulfilling your needs!
Arjan is an experienced engineer who uses an analog/digital workflow to get your music to the next level.
I'm an expert music producer specializing in pop, R&B, hip hop, cinematic, and alternative genres. With 6 years of experience and a bachelor's degree in audio production, I will get you sounding right immediately. You name the genre, I can do it. It's all about your vision. I make that come to life--whatever that is. You hit me up, I answer. Easy.
Professional pianist, composer, and music producer. Committed to creating high quality, unique, and engaging music in a variety of genres.
Recent Successes
"Sebastien gave me the best strings arrange I never had before. The turn around was really fast. He is a really talented musician The work was not easy and he did it with a real professionnal attitude and precision...."
"Juan is easy to work with and dedicated to his craft. Highly recommend him. He is very professional and structured, and quick to respond."
"Another OUTSTANDING job by Chris! This one literally blew me away."
"Excellent service both as a producer and multi instrumentalist. I found his ideas very creative and in line with what I wanted. And the execution was all I could have asked for. I will definitely work with him again. "
"Cory's arranging and execution is always on point. He always gets me exactly what I'm looking for with stellar engineering. "
"Exactly what i was looking for! Next time I'll come back straight to Felipe, amazing job!!!"
"This is my second project working with Mr. MiG and once again he brought that fire! My go to producer and engineer who knows how to bring out that sound I’m looking for. "