Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ellectra
Mixing master, Professional Mastering, Ableton Live Master, More than 5 years of experience.
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20+ years of experience
Musician, session keyboardist, more than 20 years of experience playing live and recording in studios, working with Pro Tools & Logic Pro X, I am Venezuelan living in Spain, happy to help you with your production.
Specialise in catchy hooks, memorable and emotionally-driven lyrics.
Been in the game for a while. Ghost writing and producing some of the songs you listen to today. All genres.
My Skills = Your Hit
Singer, Italian Songwriter
Darren Rust is a 4-time Emmy Award winner, Dove award winner, and Grammy Certificate Award winner, and has been producing, recording, mixing & mastering for over 30 years!
I am a producer, songwriter and drummer living in Singapore.
Recent Successes
"Corey is great. His Mix is magical. Clear communication and really fast as well. He truly cares. Send him your project. Go."
"Excellent job of mixing and mastering. Made the process relatively easy (nothing is easy). Diagnosed a shortcoming that I had not taken time to think about and helped me get to a good solution. Highly recommended."
"Second time I've been working with Marta and I'll definitely work with her again as soon as I need a violin or viola."
"Paul is literally one of the nicest, easy-going and talented musicians around! He is my only go-to on my projects and just love working with him!! "
"You're not going to regret working with Steve. Whatever music you make, this is the guy you NEED to work with. The professionalism, talent, and overall style Steve provides is out of this world. Will be working with h..."
"Skillful and expressive BGV, and easy to work with! "
"Highly recommended!"