Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with elle & lui
J'écris des chansons, parfois je les chante. Je suis artiste au service d'autres artistes, j'aime comprendre ce qu'ils veulent raconter, traduire leurs émotions en chanson.
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Multiple Grammy/Platinum Award winning engineer/producer, with over 40 years experience. Mixed, engineered and/or produced numerous top 40 hits by Duran Duran, Extreme and Collective Soul. Now offering ATMOS mixing/mastering. Curious to know more? Check out the interview questions...
Professional singer with 2.5 octave range and a soulful voice. Lyricist and songwriter for all genres. Producer, arrangers of live instruments (strings, brass, piano, basically anything unplugged or with a pick up). I am new to this site and to working for others professionally. I would love the opportunity to add some shine to your project.
Diverse up-and-coming Production Team ready to take your project to the next level. Our team will work with you through the process, to exceed your expectations and achieve a unique sonic reality. From Rock/Metal, to Hip-Hop/Trap, to Pop, to EDM, to Country; we'll take your Audio Beyond.
A newly minted audio engineer who has recorded/mixed/mastered 3 albums and is working on his debut album. Also great mixer of crappy mics
Keyboard player, producer, sound engineer, sound designer and sometimes singer as well.
Hi! I work as a full time session guitarist. doing local gigs and trough Fiverr. You can see my job!
Prolific and Versatile Keyboard Player, Mix Engineer and Producer who has made a name for himself in a career that encompasses a wide selection of the music industry. Live or in the studio; I have loaned my talents to prominent artists word-wide, including: Wynonna, Maggie Rose, Chris Young, Stevie Nicks & Prince (Posthumously), Hillsong etc
Industry mixing and mastering engineer specializing in hip-hop and rap music who understands mainstream and underground styles such as trap, boom bap, lofi, and more.
Recent Successes
"Awesome guy that delivers awesome work every time! Enjoy working with Amir."
"Had a blast working with Kirsten. Super professional and very open to suggestions and feedback. Fantastic vocals and cool lyrics. Everything I hoped for and more. Can't wait to do another one."
"Marco understand what i feel and what i need ! the result is incredible, plus some extra idea. thank you, you make my music on another level !!"
"Great experience working with Paul! Very talented, easy-going & direct communication. Delivered me everything I needed and more! I'm looking forward to working with him again soon & I highly recommend him!"
"Bruno is an excellent professional. He created the perfect cello line for my music, respecting all the directions and emotional charge I asked him for. I hope to get back to work with him as soon as possible. Very goo..."
"Joey has truly an amazing voice and that's just the tip of the iceberg, his voice is indeed gold, but his passion is just as fantastic and communication is a breeze. My song also called at some point for some very hig..."
"I can’t even find the words to describe how GREAT Richie is! Seriously, this man can just rip on a Tele and you feel like you’re listening to something by Brad Paisley! LOVE working with this guy! CAN’T RECOMMEND ENOUGH!"
"It was great working with Mark once again. Very happy with the result - he preserved the essence of the track and enhanced the details resulting in a high quality polished master. Looking forward to partnering again i..."