Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Eli Preiss
Expert engineer and music producer specialized in delivering the distinct Urban Latin sound heard across hits in the genre. Your search ends here.
With over 100,000,000 million streams across multiple top Spotify playlists, I’ll bring your music to the same high standard as your favorite artists. Utilizing a hybrid workflow—combining state-of-the-art in-the-box processing with premium outboard gear—I ensure your mixes and masters have the polished sound and emotional depth listeners crave.
Hassle-free Mixing and Mastering service for the independent artist. Musicality and authenticity are the two big goals I'm striving for as an engineer. I love to bring the artists vision to life.
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Concept Productions is a Toronto based Recording Studio, fully equipped to provide a wide range of professional audio services including the recording, mixing, and mastering of various styles and genres of music and broadcasts. As well, our services also include CD mastering, music production, commercial production, ADR, and audio post production.
Vanda is an LA based Pop/Hip-hop artist with over 1 million streams on Spotify, with Earmilk noting on her latest single, "Queen V": Vanda’s impressive rap bars and a gritty soundscape, sees the rising star tap into a message of growth and change.
With years of experience and dedication to my craft, I will help you transform your song by creating unique guitar parts specific to your needs.
I write "a crazy type of music", as my friend, a legendary musician and composer, who worked with Stevie Wonder, continuously states. It is, in a way, crazy, because, unlike most of modern tracks, my music and my songs are full of almost classical type of harmonies and melodies and meaningful verses. I also experiment with harmonies.
Your song sure sounds good, but with a killer Bass line it will rocket to the sky. And that is exactly what I do, awesome Bass Lines to give Your song the last boost to greatness ;)
Telling your story through sounds that resonate with your truth.What do you want to tell your listener? How do you want your message to be received?
Mastering since 1983, I have worked in every style of music for every major label and independent artists.
Hi, I’m Gaetano Di Mauro, guitarist, composer, and producer from Catania. I specialize in rock, jazz, and ambient music. I create unique soundscapes and offer guitar sessions, production, and cinematic compositions.
Recent Successes
"Oh, my, GOD. I can easily say that she is now my go-to for everything, whether it be for lyrics or an instrumental. She's an absolute wonder to work with, she's so patient and constantly took my ideas into account. Th..."
"great to work with. very willing to satisfy the customers project needs"
"Austin have also done great jobs this time! He definitely gives you what you're really looking for.Highly recommended!"
"Lindsey Harper is the vocalist that made my music alive and her professional approach and ideas are priceless. Lindsey is very much recommended to work with and will make all the difference to your music!"
"Drew was very light in everything... discussion, time and so on! so i tell you guys if you want everything without any headache Drew is the best for it! thank you!"
"I needed background vocals for a song of mine and I hired Karolina for this job, since I needed a Swedish speaking vocalist. I also needed someone to help me with the arrangement. Karolina did an amazing job. Singing ..."
"Truly excellent work! Sakari took my ideas and turned them into reality! She took a non-singer's lyrics and melody and came up with a beautiful, professional output. She is truly a gem. Super talented and very easy to..."
"I absolutely enjoy working with Electra! She is such a creative talent and brings every project to life! Thank you so much for all the work we’ve done! "