Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Electric Bonfire
Hello and welcome, My names JSTNKCE, professional sound designer, and I’m here to welcome you to a world of sound that you’ve never heard before. Not just any sound, but your sound, completely unique to you and completely your own. I have been in the scene for 15 Years with 9 years of dedicated sound design experience in all forms.
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I produce of mostly alternative electronic music with experimental elements. Also visual graphics and motion art. I mix and master. I record. I play guitar, synthesizers, drum machines, sing, and rap. I organize live shows.
Fairly new mixing engineer in the field looking to help out other artists!
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Chris Sheldon is a London based mixer and producer with over 35 years of experience and many gold, silver and platinum records. Over the years Chris has produced or mixed records for the Foo Fighters, Biffy Clyro, Therapy?, Feeder, Skunk Anansie, Prefab Sprout, The Boxer Rebellion, Nick Heyward, Bayside, Pixies and Anthrax to name but a few.
You can write the best lyrics of all time, but if your vibes are insipid, it won’t blow. No matter what style you prefer, you should be careful about choosing the right engineer. So if you are serious about your music and want to make a hit then make sure when you choose an engineer that you get professional and high quality one.
I am a traditional country singer and would love to sing your song
Once I accept the job, I commit to doing it properly. I invest my time in recording and singing, ensuring I get the best takes for you. I'm not taking songwriting jobs as I'm heavily involved with my bands. So, if you have a song waiting to be sung, I'm the person you need. I can sing in English and french. I don't do tests or demos before payment.
Recent Successes
"Grant was amazing. Great voice, and quality work. He was very accommodating and delivered everything in a timely manner. Nothing more I could ask of him. "
"Pol did a great job helping me with a part of my composition, his fresh idea was definitely a great help. I know he was very busy and found the time to support me so very grateful!"
"Venus is a beautiful soul with a unique and fabulous voice it was a pleasure to meet her and work with her. "
"An amazing talent, so easy to work with. Gave some feedback on song structure and created something beyond my expectations. Highly recommend working with Leandro!"
"Amazing working with rob. He's very professional and always delivers on every level. I will certainly be working with him on other projects! "
"Austin is very professional with the mix! Even if the job was on a tight deadline, he still managed to deliver. Would definitely recommend!"
"1000000/10 absolutely amazing! "
"Edouard (or "Doudou") proved immensely rich in musical and cultural knowledge. His hands-on expertise not only produced a beautiful guitar track in line with the emotional tone of my project but also guided me further..."
"Always a killer performance from Ziv! He is patient even when technical things come up. He is a great communicator. He provides fantastic tones and intonation in his playing. Do you're music a favor and hire Ziv:) "