Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with El Rojo
State of the art mixing. Punch, clarity, dynamics, breadth, that's how I want my productions to sound. I love huge bass, but firm, right in the face. Whether it's rock, pop or electro, I like the sound to have impact. My credits include Le Pietre dei Giganti, Luca O'Zulu', El Rojo, Teverts, Lost Moon, Poetica Da Combattimento, I Barbari and more.
Mixing and Mastering Services.
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Boston Recording Studio is a professional recording studio offering quality recording and excellent rehearsal facilities all based in the rural setting of Boston Lincolnshire. Our staff are experienced and friendly as the link between the equipment and your creative vision.
Hi, I am, mixing engineer / producer, I have worked as a mixing engineer on different records that have been nominated for a latin grammy. i believe that the mix isn't finished until you're 100% satisfied.
Kfir Gov is an internationally awarded Music Producer/Mixer/Artist, lead singer of the EDM/Rock band - "Seek Irony", signed to Silver Lining Music/Warner Music Group, and the owner of Evil Snail Studios in Austin, TX. Kfir is also the head teacher of the "Advanced Music Production and Mixing" class at The Recording Conservatory of Austin.
A little sauce from Brazil in your mix!
I utilize only the best plugins!
Hello, Ola, wats da craic, kilonshele......... all the same thing. 🙂
Want your music mixed by an artist with over 4 billion streams, as well as a Mercury Prize and Ivor Novello to their name? Gwil Sainsbury is the former guitarist and bassist in alt-j and now works as a producer, sound designer, mixing engineer, and mastering engineer in Bristol, UK.
Hypnotically delicious melodies and grooves to take you beyond the boundaries of the known world. Pristine mixing and mastering for a song that translates perfectly from home to car to club. Welcome to the .Nil(u)sec experience (:
Recent Successes
"Great job Simms! Thank you!"
"Great sounds, professional quality playing and helpful service! Recommended."
"BCHILL is amazing very patient and a pro's pro help bring my art to life def want to work again for my next projects"
"What a great guy!! Probably one of the most talented musicians I have ever met and I have been around on soundbetter a while! So crazy talented and the quality is just SO VERY IMPRESSING. Only gave him a few reference..."
"Matt is incredible mix engineer! I can’t wait to be continuing working with him! And I cannot recommend him more!"
"Ive worked with Mr.Caldera on all of my projects (he used to be on fiverr and I followed him here) He’s great at capturing your ideas and adding his own unique music style to it (adds some nice flare!) if you want..."
"Elodie's voice suits my songs very well and I can always trust her to deliver what I ask for. Elodie works fast and makes awesome harmonies. "
"Vol 11 Studio is really good! I'm very happy with the results. Kari Mana is amazingly talented. Thank you! Recommend!"
"I worked with a few local Mixing and Mastering engineers for my tracks and there was always something missing. I found Tim on Soundbetter and I thought I give it a try. Best choice ever! This guy really knows what he ..."
"Once again, Andres delivers an exceptional mastered version of my song. All the main elements were heard clearly, loudness level was perfect, and was able to bring the attitude that I wanted from the song."