Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with el mañanero
Helping people creativity
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Looking to level up my skills. Will collaborate on projects for free. Try me! If you don't like it, just don't keep it :)
What’s up everyone! My name is Anthony Church and I’m a music producer and podcast host out of Northeast Ohio! I’ve been actively making music since 2016 and have collaborated with different indie artists around the world. Looking forward to connecting with you and making something great to share with the world!
Hi! I'm Wouter. I've been working with sound for the past 20 years, at award winning sound studios, now running my own studio in Amsterdam working for both national and international clients. I specialise in audio/dialogue editing, sound design, mixing/mastering. I'd love to see what I can do for your project and how I can make it sound better!
If you want it done with heart, that's me.
I'm new here. Let's mix some audio!
Professional singer / R&B and POP vocalist
Recent Successes
"Great sound. Needs more microphones in his set up. Once he gets them I'll be back with more work for him. Great attitude and willingness to make deadlines. Very impressed (now go buy more microphones my friend!) "
"Dominic is a very great songwriter and partner to work with! His work is great. He kept letting me know how the project was going along the way. I had a very short period of time for him to turn in the project and he ..."
"Working with Ashley is always an amazing experience! That's another song nailed! WHOOOPA! Thanks for all your incredible work, Ashley!"
"Wes did a fantastic job with my track. He'll work with you until you get the sound you want! With premier quality, great service, and an affordable rate from a platinum-awarded engineer, you definitely can't go wrong ..."
"Once again Joseph did work very well. The two files he did send me, the one following exactly the original composition, the other more freestyle, left me without wishes. Having a bass player who understands the feel o..."
"Daniel has exceeded expectations yet again. He was the final touch that added very critical aspects to my song, and he did this in a consultative manner, bringing his understanding of sound and interpretation of the s..."
"Alyssa is simply great to work with! She listens, is so creative, and is a skilled/seasoned writer and a fantastic vocalist!!! Do yourself a favor, and work with her!!!!!! You will be glad you did!!!"
"Audiostein (Darl) is the man. He is patient, friendly, talented, and passionate about each project of mine he has worked on. I recommend him to everyone. He will get your song sounding amazing. 10 Stars."
"Michelle did an outstanding job polishing and elevating the strings arrangement for my song. She stayed true to my vision while bringing insights and expertise that heightened the emotional resonance of the track. I a..."
"Amazing job as usual"