Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with El Chango y Las Flores
8 years of music experience Producer and Mixing Guitarist and Vocal Producer Creative Dedicated to excellence
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2012 - Gold Winner of Telefunken Mixing Contest, 2017 - Winner of Softube's (Console1 users) Mix Off since 1996 sound engineering and music production is the most exciting part of my life. Goal: exploring the space of the sound. What I am looking for? - The Truth! Motto: I don't care about ''AUDIO'' but I care about the SOUND!
My name is Angel , i write songs for any still ( love , gangsta , ....)
I give my true care to anything I work on, because I'm also an artist. I know what it's like to be on both sides, and I'll do all that I can do to meet your vision and see it through to fruition. I have your back in this with over a decade of music production experience and a lifetime of songwriting and playing instruments. Let's make magic.
Producer and Singer with over 10 years of experience. Credits include May-a, Caspr, Chelji, Shiki XO, and Orpheus.
I am a recording, mixing, and mastering engineer working at NYC Studio 17 as well as MSGNetworks doing audio recording and repair for Broadcast TV. Have worked with acts such as Jay Gwaupo and Pop Smoke (Asst.)
We think inside, outside and around the BOX...
Dj Hobby Beatz is a Ghanaian DJ,Beatmaker,Songwriter,Singer,Rapper and Record Producer and musical star at the moment
Sharing your music with someone new is a journey of trust. Drawing from my own artistic experience, I'm excited to collaborate on your project, preserving your authenticity every step of the way.
Recent Successes
"Joey is extremely talented and professional. I look forward to working together again!"
"Shrai is great musician. Wonderful person to work with. Understands and delivers whats expected from him. Pleasure to work with him. Would love to do many more projects with him. "
" Thank you very much for the wonderful guitar this time. I have a great deal of confidence in you. I will ask for the next job soon."
"To echo everyone else, Justin is grade A. So happy to have found him on here for songwriting help. Already starting a second job together "
"Wes is a legend. His mastering ability comes from beyond the physical realm and he will make your songs sound glistening and gigantic."
"Great fun working with Joey. He was open for input and quickly adjusted. He`s quick, serious, creative - and a great guy. I will work on morjects with him in the future. "
"Trey is the best producer ever! He made my vision come to life in such a creative and artistic way. He incorporated all the specific details I wanted into such a professional sounding song. I'm beyond impressed and I ..."
"This guy is an absolute legend! I did one lesson and he went above and beyond to make it the best he could! Using your song as the as the teaching point, he dives right in to show you what your track needs! I will be ..."
"It's an honor to have a season professional like Dan play on my song. It just doesn't get any better!"