Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Eduardo Jasbon
Acoustic, Electric or Bass??? Rock, Pop or Latin? As a session guitar player, I understand how each instrument offers its own unique voice and sonic possibilities. Allow me to contribute with my over 20 years of experience to your musical project.
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Professional graduated music producer and sound engineer.
My goal is to capture an artistic impression for your songs, nailing the bass lines but also playing some phrases that can bring color and soul to your music.
Do you need creative, engaging lyrics and melodies to complement your tracks? Or do you need a killer pop/rock vocal for your song or demo? I'm your girl!
Living in the studio a.k.a recording and mixing records and albums at the legendary Wisseloord Studios, in The Netherlands.
Mixing & Mastering services
Mixing Engineer specializing in Rock, Blues & Folk Music. My goal is to enhance the emotional content of your song, making it as compelling as possible to your audience. Utilizing top-notch analog gear and a huge selection of the best plugins available, let's create a mix that elevates your vision!
Hello My Name is Omar Faruk Jafree also known as OMER J MUSIC from Bangladesh. I have started producing & composing music since 2008. My Musical Genres is Electronic Dance Music (EDM), Dubsetp Music, Hip hop Music, Dance Music, Trap Music, Classical Music, Instrumental, Soundtrack.I hope you will love & specially enjoy my music.
Pure Creativity and Technicality.
Recent Successes
"Second time working with him and it was great. Fast writer! Great communication! Will continue to do business!"
"I don't even have words to describe what Davion has done..... I am speechless at his songwriting and production skills!! He created a song that is morally rich and inspirational that I cannot wait to share with the wo..."
"Working with Brittany is always a pleasure! She has a beautiful, versatile voice, is very creative with harmonies, and always professional. Looking forward to the next project with Brittany."
"Great just like last time!"
"Great work from Aaron as always! the work for my bass house song sounds loud and clear like I was expecting. And perfect timing for delivery!"
"It is always a pleasure to work with professionals like Denis, he adapts to your needs and gives you better results. Thank you for the patience shown, we will work again greetings"
"Gustav Davidsson has been amazing recording the trombone section for a big band chart I wrote. He went the extra mile using different trombones to make it sound like different players! Great intonation, great timbre a..."
"5 stars!! Merty is a jewel on this platform! Hire him, and you will see why he is number one. He makes me feel like he is a part of my team and not just someone I hired to do a job. It feels amazing to find someone wh..."
"Incredible song writer with an amazing voice. She delivered an incredible vocal with top line melody for both verses and hook. Very easy to work with and friendly, would absolutely work with her again!"