Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Eddie Wellz
I have produced 100’s of songs for Warner Bros TV shows & movies, as well as commercials. I own a studio named AVM Recordings LLC, and perform and write everything in the band Danger Silent (20-million+ streams & views). I have been in the music industry for 20+ years.
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I am a mixing engineer, producer, with a strong passion for good music, I love to work with a lot of artists worldwide accross many genres, I like variety in my work.
I am offering mixing and mastering services for producers & labels. I am also a Sound Designer and a Drum & Bass music producer
I have been working with music for past 18 years as a musician and engineer. I will make your music sound like a polished record. My masters were featured on mainstream radio stations.
Crafting the perfect songs for you!
Clients releases on Monstercat, Deadbeats, Bitbird, Quality Good, Subsidia, Parametic (Atlantic Records).
I help you in realising your vision! Every song, be it a demo, or a basement session, needs someone who can put that essential vision and technical skill at work, to make a demo into a song. That is the job that I want to do for you and your song.
Looking to connect with artists and get to work. I would love to be involved in the pop / indie rock / bedroom pop, and R&B scene. I'm passionate about clear communication, quick turnaround, and taking your vision of what a song can be to exactly where you want it. I would love to chat if you have any questions!
ADV is an artist of sound and instrumentalist with over a decade of experience in producing albums for artist in multiple genres and scoring films. I have experience working on multiple projects simultaneously.
Recent Successes
"Great job Levitas. Thank you!"
"So happy to have find a guy like Rob. His work is amazing, he's a real professional and it's a pleasure to work with him. Will come back for more."
" Cheshy was EXCELLENT On Vocals For My Remake Of "I Am I Said" by Neil Diamond! Bravo!"
"Another great mix from Adam! The work is always top tier, his timelines are always very reasonable, and he's a super nice guy to work with. He's always happy to make a tweak or explore an idea. I highly recommend work..."
"Second time working with Bryan. A great ear for big-sky vibes with pedal steel! Took our tracks to new places. Highly recommend!"
"Matt was great as always. This project was a little different from previous. The things I had in mind on the demo, didnt really work too well in real life. Matt was on board to do a revision based on his own ears - wh..."
"Mariano has done great work for me composing strings for my song... and also was able to find me a wonderful percussionist. I highly recommend Mariano. "
"His vocals are soo sick! Lyric writing on top as well! Thanks again, man! "
"Marcus was a real pro."
"Absolutely fantastic work, Jack knew exactly what the song needed to take it to the next level and make it sound current. I like to think I have some great ideas but they rarely come out as modern-sounding. Jack has..."