Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ed Garbanzo
Offering cheap songwriting offers, to start creating contacts in the industry. Latin Pop singer/songwriter, Dolby Atmos Mix & Mastering audio engineer. As a musician, it is easier for me to communicate to clients and materialize their ideas in products. I put my skills and knowledge to achieve your goals in the best possible way.
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My name is Jayvon Rymer, I am a freelance sound designer and sound editor in Los Angeles, CA. I do a lot of work on short films, animations and game audio. I'm always looking to work with new people and on interesting projects! Check me work out: https://www.jayvonrymer.com
10+ Year Music Production, Mix and Master Professional.
Theres nothing I cant make if I already haven't made it.
I'm an engineer, mixer, and multi-instrumentalist with an ear for bringing the best out of every song, sound, and person I get to work with!
Major label music credits. Award winning Indie records. National Bestseller Audiobooks. Highly successful Podcasts.
Hear some my most popular work on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1g3niTq1K7Ot5FpSfmmAAK
I am Quick, Precise, and Through. I believe in open communication with my clients.
Recent Successes
"On point. Beyond quick. I listened to the mastered version at 6 am before coffee and it woke.me.up! It was clear, it was breathing and it was "loud" ;) (he took full advantage of the headroom... bless him). I chose hi..."
"This is a guy who knows what he is doing! extremely talented. If you are looking for quality work, hit up Elliot pronto!"
"Amazing is just a word, just ask her what you, She will smash it! "
"MIchael was great. Very professional and worked until it was exactly right. Killer voice!"
"Working with Ida has been a great experience for me. She is fast and she delivered good vocals for my project. Thanks Ida!"
"Great song writer gives you great vibes and flow really happy with the lyrics he helped me with. have so much more planned with him and hope we can bring some more songs to life!"
"Very fast and cooperative. Recommended if you need a singer who will pour everything out :D 10/10 will come back for a new track with her. "
"Jeb NAILS it every single time. Super easy guy to work with, and delivers consistently world-class vocals. Highly recommended!"
"Another phenomenal experience. Dennis consistently lays epically solid foundations on my songs with the right tone and feel. Look no further if you want an absolute top notch musician / session player!"