Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Echoes of Spheres
20+ years writing songs for myself and other artists (solo & bands) in English & French
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Live and Studio Mixing Engeneer, Mastering Services
I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Trevecca Nazarene University with a BA in Commercial Music with an Applied Focus in Guitar. I have spent my last 6 years in Music City on the road and in recording studios playing everything from jazz fusion to indie to country.
Unsigned musician/producer. I might not be a professional but I'm a lot cheaper.
Professional Mixing and Mastering Engineer based in Italy. My goal is to assist all artists in getting the best sound possible, serving their songs and music.
I am a vocal engineer, a trap, and a hip-hop producer. I have produced, mixed, and created countless projects and have hundreds of happy clients.
I am a mixing engineer and producer based in Los Angeles who got started working at Blue West Recording Studio in Hollywood. With lots of experience in hip-hop, R&B, and pop, I am passionate about getting the best sound out of any mix and will do everything possible to make that happen!
RIAA certified Platinum Music Producer and Mixing Engineer. 1 billion streams + worldwide. I have produced, mixed, mastered and written songs released by major labels and developed artists into deals with major labels.
Mohammad RANA is a Bangladeshi Gamer, Cyber Security Specialist & Famous Content Creator On YouTube who has made a big name in the social platform. Since adulthood, he had a keen interest in trying new things. He is the son of Mobarak Ali. He was born in Tetulia Dhaka, Bangladesh on 17 November 2006. Native name : RANA Bom :17 November 20
Recent Successes
"I honestly have to give Corey 5 stars Corey was very patient with me and he worked to achieve the sounds I was hoping for. I am very happy with the mix and master and I am excited to prepare for the 1st music video...."
"Nicki did a fantastic job on our jingle! She was professional, fast, and very easy to work with. She even sang the jingle in a few different styles for us so we had the option to chose which one fit our needs the best..."
"Taylor sang beautifully and created a quick backing for a short demo. She as always went the extra mile and gave me a couple versions from which to choose. Always a great result with Taylor and so easy and fun to wo..."
"It's the second time Molly sings on a track of mine. She has a wonderful voice, creates tasteful vocal arrangements and delivers fast. "
"Working with Mart is awesome! Firstly, he is VERY musical and delivers great performances—always making sure I’m happy with what was delivered. Secondly, and no less important, he’s reliable and communicates extremely..."
"Killer mix and smooth process as always. Thank you Manny!"
"Nico has been great to work with! I've been consulting with him on producing my projects and plan to keep working with him mastering my tracks!"