Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with eaJ
Worked with notable artists such as eaJ, MAX, Crush, DPR Live, Rich Brian, Seori and many more. Also done work for JYP Entertainment, H1GHR Music, and Starship Entertainment. Currently working with avex developing new artists.
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I am a producer/mixing and mastering engineer that wants to help with getting beautiful music to the world. I have been on this journey since I was 15 in and out of different studios perfecting my sound, and making sure the highest of quality material is achieved
Music professional with 20 years of experience across all facets of the music industry (label, studio, events, management), plus as an internationally-touring artist, dj, producer and engineer.
Mixing and Mastering are my expertise, but I am open to all audio projects. Let me help you turn your project into a sonic masterpiece. :)
Hey! I started off in pop rock bands, touring NZ before moving to Australia. I started songwriting/producing my own tracks and found artist development most fulfilling. And that's where my passion lies. Be it an idea or a demo, get in touch and we can talk about your project. Your budget isn't so important. The music comes first.
Music Producer, Audio Engineer, Musician, Studio Owner
Song-driven production, mixing and mastering by an artists, for artists.
Worked with notable artists such as eaJ, MAX, Crush, DPR Live, Rich Brian, Seori and many more. Also done work for JYP Entertainment, H1GHR Music, and Starship Entertainment. Currently working with avex developing new artists.
Hi, I'm Ricky, a music producer from France, I'm here to create music with you and to make your vision become a reality.
Recent Successes
"I can't be happier of my choice to work with Charlene. Since first contact, she showed her enthusiasm on my project, worked on good and fresh ideas and kept contact and feedback constantly. It was my first collaborat..."
"Emma has been responsive, professional, timely, competent and a pleasure to work with! I would definitely recommend her to anyone seeking vocal production support "
"Autoclave beats is the real deal. Truly awesome producer! I have worked with him many times but every time I work with him it is always something special. Highly Recommended!!!"
"Perfect mixing from Joe! Joe is defintely the best."
"Stige was very punctual and detailed oriented. He did a great job with the project and is very talented!"
"Slam dunk Darrell does it again. Feels like he can read my mind and I’d say 99.9% of the time he does it on the first take (which is kind of annoying cause he’s so damn good). "
"Gerard is truly a legendary engineer. I had a project i was not happy with and new exactly who to take it to. The project had an instrumental that was not mixed well, and I couldn't get the stems but somehow Gerard fi..."
"Joseph is the kind of engineer who pulls magical moments out of a record you didn't even know were there. He was always communicative and flexible. He turned work around with speed and quality. I would absolutely hire..."