Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dylan Bruce
I'm a 26-year-old singer/songwriter specializing in an acoustic folk-pop sound and have released an EP and Single in the last year.
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Online Mixing Service - Professional Sound with " The World’s Most Authentic Analog Emulations " *Free Sample Mix *Unlimited Free Revisions *Hi-Fidelity Mixes For Spotify/AppleMusic/YouTube
My name is Mitch Webb. I have owned and operated Mantis Records audio production for the last 13 years. Protools certified. BFA in sound design from Savannah College of Art and Design. mantisrecords.net
HOT DEAL: pure analog SSL 6000 mixing from 100$/track.
I'm very passionate about playing and recording guitar for the last 20 years. I have a good experience with recording guitars for TV commercials. I will do my best to help you with any projects related to Pop, Rock, Smooth Jazz and everything in between.
A young and ambitious beatmaker.
Audio Engineer and Composer specializing in immersive soundscapes and bespoke film and game scores that bring stories to life with precision and emotion.
Composer for film and media, Producer, and multi-instrumentalist with over 10 years of experience. Credits include ESA - European Space Agency, Kavac Film, IPPO Production Jp., In Medias Res, IFIS Banca, Serif Creative, Rai, Stefano Bollani, Jason Linder, and many more...
Recent Successes
"I found Michael to be a highly professional and reliable collaborator. He was confident and creative in his song writing and the overall sound was enhanced by his great vocals. I was pleased with the results and would..."
"Waiting for Tony's drums to arrive in your inbox is like Christmas time for a singer/songwriter. I continue to be thrilled with what comes back after just giving a few hints of the kind of sound and arrangement I had ..."
"Andrei is a great personality musician. He has a lot of patience, works consistently without getting confused, and has a great attitude to the client. Great communication is a high advantage. thank you for everything."
"Josh mastered one of my tracks with ease and professionalism, giving it the final touch it needed. A definite increase in quality, I'm very pleased."
"Tim did a great job mastering my latest release "Song of hope". You can hear it at www.holypatriot.com"
"What, What!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING!!! 5,000000 STARS! Bro, insane "
"Love this team, they are so responsive, and attentive to our needs!"