Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dxyki
The best mixing engineer or producer alive!
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DJ, Music Producer, ICON Collective Alumni
I am a professional musician with 2 Master’s Degrees in music and over 25 years experience in the industry. My musical training as a Music Teacher allows me to treat editing from a musician’s perspective.
Nomination at Hollywood Music Award
I play drums on Straylings past and current albums "Wild Medicine" (Deadpan Records) with latest singles including "Velvet Covered Hills", "Shatter" and "The Great Divide". Furthermore, Co-written Hannah and the Heartbreak album "Open Heart Surgery" (All The Cats Recordings) where I also played drums, percussion and piano.
Davy Bergier is a Tokyo based media composer and guitarist, producer and songwriter. Working with top Japanese artists (Kimura Takuya and more.) Until now, Davy has been working in making music content for medias in Japan. Additionally his creativity is contant with releasing a lot and performing all around
Joe Firstman is a “classic American Songwriter” Atlantic Records 2003
Bringing your record together. Making it sound good. Making it feel good.
Recent Successes
"We hired Germán Domador for a Timpani job. He responded quickly, professionally and competently. We'll continue working with him in the future. Anna G. Senior Manager Epyac Jylb Inc."
"Amazing. No revisions with a musician for a change. Very professional and very friendly. Just what I wanted. I would recommend all of my fellow composers to hire Danny. "
"Nate is a breeze to work with - efficient and communicative. He effortlessly interprets notes and ideas, bringing his own to the table, all with tons of vibe and energy. His kit and room mics are lush. I can't recomme..."
"Musicien élégant, travaillant vite (trop?) et bon communicant; sens de la nuance, excellente qualité d'enregistrement"
"Nik is a Monster drummer! Great listener, always nails the take! Thanks, Nik!"
"Philip is a miracle worker!! He raised my song from the dead with some very creative bass licks. "
"Very professional and proficient! It was nice to work with Sam!"