Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dusty Giles
B.M.I. affiliate since 1997 Specializing in Artist Development and Placement.
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Retired Due To Health Reasons. Former DJ, A&R, Band Manager, Promoter, Reviewer, Blogger, Editor.
Music Producer, sound engineer, Vocalists, song writer, Guitarist, Voice Overs
I learned from one of the best Derek Ali He has Engineered for artists .. Nipsy hussle, Kendrick Lamar,
I Give Music Producers The Ability to Remain Creative, Save Time, and Produce More by Efficiently and Tastefully Mixing & Mastering their Music. For music samples and full info, please VISIT www.juanfrajf.com.
I am an experienced vocalist with a wide range and am able to adapt to many different genres and sounds depending on what you want. I specialize in lyrics, melody, backing vocals and atmospheric enhancement or secondary melodies. I've been singing my whole life, trying many different styles and techniques.
I am a male singer/songwriter, and I can sing on any type of beat including Hip-Hop, Pop etc.
I can Play and Produce for you in almost Any Genre!
Have music with Sage the Gemini, Chayse Bank, Preach, Lil Sheik, Benny, Iceeapher, Señor Gigio, Fluent, Hollywood Keefy, Fieldy Stic, B-Luv, Beeda Weeda, Dubee aka Sugawolf, KR Mack, D. Cannons, Driyp Drop, Ed Spitz, Go-Rilla, J-Smackz, Jewelz, Chady Boe, BKilled, Sean B., J-Smackz, Grampz, Almighty J Money & many more.
Recent Successes
"Amazing! She took my song above my expectations. I would definitely recommend her"
"Jimmy is a genius songwriter/vocal producer. Always so fun to work with and makes me feel comfortable and at home during sessions. Looking forward to working with him again :)"
"The best master engineering I've worked with! Thank you, Carlos!"
"Marcello is absolutely amazing!!! He transformed my rough instrument-free, a cappella song into a complete rock track with full production -- and it sounded better than I could have imagined! He told me that I wouldn'..."
"Working with Bülbül was a treat. We share similar interests regarding genres of music, so the communication was a breeze. He mastered my song, and it was extremely clean--it brought out all of the nuances in my produc..."
"Erin's lead vocal was exactly what we needed. We are hoping to work with her again in the future. Thank. you Erin!"
"Chris was wonderful to work with. Gave great feedback and helped take this project to the next level. I look forward to working with Chris again. :)"
"Actually would give 10 stars if I could, fast, responsive, and did such an awesome job I ended up changing the song around the guitar, thanks Gab!!"
"Pat really understands genre, vibe and mood. He will zero in on what you need for your production and fulfill you greatest dreams and desires. He is a musical genie of sorts. Do not pass him up. He will not disapp..."
"Luke is a great fiddler/violinist. He really did a great job on my track. Very thankful for his work."
"Rob is not only a wonderful person, but he's my most trusted engineer and mentor. The Soundbetter community and the general music community at large are lucky to have access to him. THANK YOU!"