Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with DS
I'm an allround cinematic composer, electronic and pop music producer with over 10 years of experience. In my years of producing for myself and others, my productions have gathered over 30 million streams, and have gotten placements in worldwide TV, radio and in ads of some of the biggest companies like BMW, Dior and DS automobiles.
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Take a listen to my portfolio and samples of work first if you are still not sure you want to hire me. Send me me a message with any questions! For high quality samples of my work, check this playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6twYcw9bw96QSIRXFfVE2s?si=7da135d5b32846bb
I write music, engineer, mix, produce and more! I toured in Latin America with a major label band for 4 years called Nikki Clan. I co-created and educate at Pro Studio Live. I've been doing all kinds of music projects lately, let me know what you need and I will make sure to get back to you or recommend someone who can help you!
ToneDeaf Studio is a recording | mixing studio run by Producer / Engineer Nikolas Prokopiou. It offers a beautiful Audient ASP 8024 Console, along with one of the best equipped and highly regarded recording spaces in Cyprus.
I'm a composer/producer from Stuttgart, Germany and started my own musical experiments back in 1999 on cassette tapes. I began serious recording around 10 years ago with the production of my first solo works in Autumn 2006. I played in various bands and produced, mixed and mastered about 40 records.
At PMG Records we produce high quality unique compositions with purpose, we don't just make random beats, we create hit songs, develop new and existing artists and help develop entire song concepts for the artist.
I do unique Drum Sounds and Beat Programmings for your Session!
Come to me to have your audio professionally produced out of some of the best studios in the Minneapolis MN area, all at an affordable price!
I am a college student looking to expand my mixing skills and work with amazing bands/artists.
Recent Successes
"Sydney is an amazing singer to work with! I am absolutely satisfied with her quick, very professional work and original voice. Recommend to everyone!"
"Not only has he got a fantastic singing voice: He is also polite, reliable, thorough and always delivers high quality vocals!"
"Mission complete and thanks to Aliz for her patience on the project! Everything was great and Aliz is wonderful.Highly Recommended!"
"David was very helpful. I would highly recommend"
"Robert absolutely smashed the vocals on this project, it was exactly what I had in mind - and then some. A pleasure to deal with throughout, Robert felt like a band member rather than a freelancer. Would highly recomm..."
"Caroline revisited an old song of mine due to a necessary change in the lyrics. Not only did she encapsulate the character in no time at all, she improved on a performance I thought was perfect the last time. Can't be..."
"Ziv is highly skilled, very fast and solid in his communication. Everything needed to complete a project to your exact needs and that's exactly what he did for me. I know where to go if I ever need guitar parts played..."
"Maude did it again! I´m extremely satisfied with her services. Besides her talent and her voice she was ultra fast! Would work with her any time again. Thank You!"