Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dream Note
I like to get the Artist's vision come through in a song/album and believe in Tone work. Dont Repair that aint broken.
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Lost eight fingers, due to frostbite in Feb, 1996. Continue to play piano without fingers! Featured in Jet Magazine, Positively Black, upn9 news New York, Daily News, ect.. Now I inspire people to never give-up on your Dreams..
We make music over here.
I love to sing, music is my life. I´m young and ready to start in this industry
I work tirelessly with my clients to ensure that the sound they receive matches the vision they have in their head. The mix is not done until I receive full approval and make sure that everyone involved is excited and can now shift their focus on things other than the sonics to better prepare for release day.
A 19 year old drummer-percussionist from Kosovo!
Blending cultures through music, Kalzi is a New York City-based DJ and producer infusing South Asian sounds with experimental electronic elements.
Professional Studio and Touring Musician located in the Nashville TN Area with over 15 years of Industry experience
Young music producer specializing in pop and hip-hop, offering top-notch recording, beatmaking, mixing, and mastering services. Based in Brussels (also working online), I bring passion, creativity, and professionalism to every project. Let’s collaborate and make your vision come to life with the quality and care it deserves
Recent Successes
"He did a perfect mastering again "
"Chris one of the best! It’s easy and simple to work with."
"Couldn’t be happier with Chris’ mixing and mastering work - I’ve been mixing for 5 years, but Chris took my track to a whole new level. Great work, Chris - thank you! I’ll be back on my next tune."
"Filip is extremely professional. The communication was really good (and fast) and he was very accommodating to every single revision I requested. Thank You Filip !"
"Zach is a true pro. He Brough a very thoughtful approach to the song and found the right spots to add something special. Excellent and clear communication and order delivery. Hoping I have a chance to send him somethi..."
"Darren helped me create a song that honored my mother life with tribute to her life. It was a difficult thing to walk through but I communicated everything to Darren and he pulled it off, that song is a great produ..."
"Another great mix by Tide Studio.Highly recommended once again."
"An incredible talent who was able to make something I was already proud of into an absolute masterpiece of second line fun"
"People who aren't booking Jonas for mastering are MISSING OUT FR. Excellent job once again!"