Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with DragonPower Podcast
Countless hours in professional recording studios in all sorts of roles across Music City. University music training (B.M., Commercial Music, Music Technology - Belmont University - 2013). I want to help you unlock your project's full potential. I’m happy to work with any and all genres, so let’s make some noise!
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Hi ! I am an engineer experienced in various genres (rock, jazz, metal, pop, indie, electronic etc). Check out my portfolio at http://suchydom.tumblr.com/audio-engineering I'd love to hear your songs and we can figure something out - whether you need help with recording, mixing or mastering - hit me up! Looking forward to hearing from you!
Creative writer bringing thoughts to life, close your eyes let me take you there.
Success is the only option. I just came up out of the dirt with a vengeance. And failure is the enemy.
I help artist effectively navigate the multiple stages of music production necessary to get their songs fully finished and proudly released.
Greetings fellow music enthusiasts! For the past six years, I've been passionately crafting exceptional tunes right here in the heart of San Diego, California. My creative journey has been enriched by the vibrant atmosphere of local studios, namely Rarefied Recordings and 9th Vibe Recordings.
I'm looking forward to be on your track!
I will take your music career to the next level!
Looking for radio ready services? Hit me up for more
Recent Successes
"pleasure working with Dom. quality of work is superb and service is very quick and reliable."
"If I could give these guys 10 stars I would. The revisions were flexible allowing me to haveva creative say in the process without needing to be there. They're polite, hardworking and very responsive and great valu..."
"Talented and fast, I'm really happy with what Ziv came up with! Would definitely recommand! :)"
"Ted is a BEAST. I sent him the file and the next morning he delivered FIRE. Quick. Talented. Creative. Vibey. It's Ted. Hit him up."
"Gostffects made mixed down my dance music track perfectly. The vocals sound amazing with his mixing down skills and he added some extra effects and loops to make it stand out even more than what I had. Great communica..."
"He doesn't just do a great job but explains a lot of the technical side if you have questions. Thanks Fabian!!"
"David is a thorough professional. Excellent quality of work, and happy to work with him again soon. "
"Perfect experience, very professional, and very patient with my requests and updates, and I love the outcome. Thank you!"
"Angie gave her all to this project, she did not hesitate to suggest new things and was always there when I asked her for help. I recommend."