Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Doniwall
Im the easy way to get a profesional sound on your tracks, i love to mix reggaeton, rap, trap, salsa, cumbia, and others. I have top gear to mix your song.
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Paul Harlyn is a producer, keyboardist, guitar and bass player, studio owner, and arranger, but his specialty is working with artists and singer-songwriters. From concept to the finished master, Paul helps the artists he works with to bring out their musical vision.
i only recive the payment if you are happy with your project.waiting for your music, hope i can make it the BEST.
4 Million Spotify streams 2021, 100% 5-star reviews. 150k monthly listeners on my main page on Spotify. Reached #5 In the UK Club Charts and top 10 in the Italian and French Club Charts in 2021. Style: Lavish and Loud
Guitar Player and Polystrumentist, Songwriter, Producer and Arranger, Mix and Master Engineer at Trip Recording Studio in Amelia (Italy). Many collaborations with Italian artists and more than 100 album recorded as guitarist or producer.
Classically trained versatile 'cellist and arranger, with experience ranging from ultra classical contemporary chamber music to drones for Jonny Greenwood & sessions for Radiohead, Arcade Fire & Sir Paul McCartney. I improvised for the score of Jed Kurzel’s film Macbeth and have 20 years of freelance session recording.
"A musician at the service of the vision of others"
Need a voiceover, fast, fresh and distribution-ready? 🎙️ Providing voiceover services from corporate explainers to animated characters, I offer fast turnaround times and professional, broadcast-ready results, to save you time and money. 🎯
Hey, I'm Ayushman aka Darkest Ice & I'm a Record & Executive Producer.
Recent Successes
"I always enjoy working with Taylor! His tracks are always top-notch and he makes the recording session easy. Can't wait to work together again!"
"Zach is truly gifted. He's Really Great at vocal melodies and writing lyrics and vocal arrangement. And he is very easy to work with, super affable and easy going. Twas a pleasure"
"Working with John Michael was awesome. He was very accommodating and eager to get the songs sounding the way I wanted them to. If I told him specifically what I didn't like about a mix, he knew exactly how to tweak it..."
"While I payed Audiostein $30 for my song to be mastered, the quality of the master I received from him felt more like that of a job done for hundreds of dollars. Audiostein was extremely professional, and custom tail..."
"john is a pro, it was a pleasure to work with him! five stars!"
"Another high-class experience with Gavin. Great ideas, timely turnaround and quality output. A real pro. Look forward to working together again in the future."
"Jon did an awesome job with vocals on our new track. He took the song to a whole other level. On the first try, Jon got us EXACTLY what we were looking for. I highly recommend Jon for any of your projects. One of the ..."
"Great fun working with David on this track as well. I had it more finished than the others, but he takes it to another level, getting sessions musicians to play a few of the parts, guiding vocals, and then mixing the ..."
"Can't say enough good things about ALOU. He's professional, detailed, talented, and always willing to make sure the end result is perfect. Works fast too! 10/10 as always."
"Fabian is a brilliant mastering engineer and collaborator. He understood the vision of my track, gave a really quick and high-quality turnaround and communicated clearly to provide me with the best possible version of..."