Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Donavon Lerman
Do you need a strong and warm voice for your upcoming projects? Or lyrics for your songs? I am a professional singer, actress and voice over artist with more than 15 years of experience as a vocalist and voice talent. I am fluent in English, Italian and Spanish. If you are looking for impeccable quality and a fast delivery, get in touch!
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Istanbul based Audio Engineer
Sound Engineer
blues guitar specialist who has writing credits as an artist and collaborator.
i'm here to give you some street music, i'm not here to sugar coat anything about me, i'm from Atlanta, Ga So what's understood shouldn't have to be explained
Gianluca Bonfanti Mele is a Brazilian Born, living in Argentina, active in live and studio gigs for more than 18 years now. Found his way through music by discovering and investigating multiple Genres and Styles, as well as instruments (Basses, Piano, Synths, Guitar and others). For 8 years now, works at his own studio Producing, Mixing and more!
Inspired by 90’s videogames soundtracks, science fiction movies and Internet culture among other things, the Mexican-born composer Iván Flores clashes every musical idea stuck in his head and creates colorful, genre-bending electronic music that also brings some orchestral colors to the table.
All percussion instruments, all genres, one place.
Hey my names Gene, I make goofy little songs in my room about being totally honest about my own self worth and feelings :)
Recent Successes
"This one might be my favorite yet! Thanks for capturing the vibe - not many people can do this."
"He works fast and has a good melody for the topline assignment we gave him. It was terrific to work with you! "
"Fred mixed and mastered my acoustic song into a fine piece of art! I'd especially like to highlight his deep understanding of exactly what I required in terms of sound. He was unbelievably kind and patient to implemen..."
"Leo, did a really wonderful job with this song. The work and arrangements flowed easily and I instantly loved it. He really knows what he's doing. And his playing is wonderful all around. "
"Dylan has played such a key part in the final steps to finishing my debut album. He has gone above and beyond sharing his knowledge and constantly going the extra mile. He's been an absolute pleasure to work with, v..."
"Luis is exceptional at what he does. I can trust him completely and know that the work will be excellent and superior!"
"Kingpin ranu as per usual - please see my other reviews for glowing endorsements. Hear Lake's work on the EP here: https://welcomer.bandcamp.com/album/welcomer"
"Another awesome round of great teamwork with Brian. He really has the knack to easily slide into the songs and and deliver home run after home run. Go Dodgers~!"