Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Don Fulgencio
I am a versatile music arranger, producer, Neo Soul/Jazz keyboard player and singer. Also choir, wind and string arranger.
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Grammy & Dove award nominee whose number one goal is helping you to make your next record exceed your highest expectations. I will do whatever it takes to make that happen!
Film Score + Sound Design for audiovisual productions + dance + theater
I am composer, arranger, sound engineer, I play keyboard, guitar and bass
My strength is a strong understanding of compositional elements, and effective application of these ideas. I've especially worked and developed a exceptionally substantial understanding of the function of drum beats and elements of such. I can also draw from an extensive sample library to help for find the sounds you need for drums or other sounds.
Need a Label Ready EDM banger to release under your name? Or maybe you need someone just to finish your Awesome Banger Idea, I´m the guy you´re Looking for!
Beatmaker, Mix & Mastering engineer with more than 3 years of experience. I stay up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques in music production, so I can recreate the sound of top artists of the moment.
All I want is beauty in my work.
Recent Successes
"Great job! Great production! Great communication!!! Without a doubt, you can choose him!"
"Fantastic country player who really understands how to back a vocal with multiple instruments and transition it into a great lead part. Great timing too!"
"Highly skilled, talented and professionally trained, JEM is who I really call a lead vocal expert! "
"Jake delivered great takes, worked with me closely and provided some incredible harmonies to boot. He even delivered some extra takes with his spin on the lead melody which were superior to my scratch vocal - he has ..."
"Was a real pleasure working with Mr Z.Guy is a real pro.Quick delivery, great vocalist and will surely do more with this guy in the future. Big respect Z!"
"Raquel was a great help in finalizing lyrics and working on top-line ideas for my song. She spent time with the beat and initial lyric ideas ahead of a short Zoom session and came prepared with great ideas that suited..."
"Tom was quick and very helpful on the mix and master! Very professional and responsive!"
"Aaron has come through for me many times with great masters of my tracks and doesn't disappoint. Very prompt and professional. Would recommend!"
"I loved working with Kate. She gave a lot of great insight into songwriting. She helped work through a few issues and finish off a song. I'd work with her in a heartbeat."
"Joao is a prompt, professional, friendly, and most importantly, talented guy. Will definitely hire him again! "
"he always brings the best things to my songs, thank you tim"