Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Domkraft
Well versed in everything from stonerrock to post-metal to death metal. I excel at natural & realistic tones with modern punch & impact.
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I'm a self motivated creative professional with a solid music and audio engineering background with over fifteen years of experience.
Contributed to over 2,000,000 streams and credits to Artists such as TheFriend and within Torontos up & coming music scene.
Committed to helping people fulfill their music vision for cheap. Extremely flexible, only pay if you keep it. Working to meet and help people, and a little extra cash.
Having a creative block ? Cant make that loop into a full track ? I am your guy Producer, sound designer and an audio visual artist.
Project Free TV
Producer/Singer/Songwriter/Sound Engineer. Need a unique voice and professional with a creative and tech background for your project? I listen closely to what you want to create and make sure to use creative and technological tools to translate your idea to a professional, industry-quality track.
I put as much seriousness in my own productions as in what I realize for others.
Producer with 50k-100k monthly listeners ready to amplify your next project.
Recent Successes
"what a talented musician! top quality, very fast, communicative and very easy going! I will definitely work with him again in the future."
"Working with Emrah was a real pleasure. He knows both the electronic genre and his craft meticulously and works like a real professional from start to finish. He's highly communicative at every step letting you know w..."
"It was great to work with Tanya! Very easy to communicate with, open for suggestions, very professional. She is a great guitarist and her vocals made the Trumbiten song "Untold" fly! It was a pleasure to work with..."
"Really easy to work with! Plays like a producer with the song in mind which I so appreciate as a producer myself! Great parts! One of the good guys and his rep is well deserved! Jeffery "
"Wowzers, Dan, you killed it!!!!!!! We are so excited for the next one! Keep up the amazing work, I hope you BLOW UP on soundbetter and have so much work you have to turn people away! You should have a line! "
"My second reamp with the studio and they again nailed the sound as I was after!"