Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dominoso
I provide professional Mixing, Mastering, and Production services. I will give you my utmost dedication and musical clarity all the while maintaining your vision and highlighting the emotions of your song. Let's get started!
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I record, mix and produce records for bands and artists. I mostly do loud music, but I also get that special feeling when working on hiphop.
Recording and Mixing Engineer
we do sound and we do it well.
Jason Mraz, Heart, Ceelo Green, Meghan Trainor, Boy George, Zedd, Jessie J, Khalid, Mike Posner, Nikka Costa, Sugar Ray, Ezra Ray Hart, Smash Mouth, ZZ Ward, The Voice Au and more.
Let's be honest and get serious about your music. We both know that YOU want to be taken serious as a professional musician, and you want people to fall in love with your sound. Guess what? Nothing says Professional Musician like a top-notch quality Mixed & Mastered song. It shows that you care about your craft and you do things the pro way.
Let's take your idea to the next level. Commitment and creativity are the Key facts to deliver the best quality in music. If you look for a Composer, Mastering & Mixing Engieneer, Producer or a Session sax player you came to the right option for you. I have worked with independent artists and directors for the last years.
PR or Pratiekshaa Ramji is an 18year old indie singer/songwriter from Hyderabad. She is a self-taught musician who aims to be able to communicate her feelings, thoughts, and emotions through her music. Her inspiration is her day to day life and her imagination.
Recent Successes
"Direckt knows what he is doing ,wont mind working with him again."
"Hugo is my go to guy!"
"Cory's the best PERIOD. He's able to transform your song in ways you could not even imagine. He's patient, professional and willing to work with you to help you capture your ideas in a way that will enhance your proj..."
"Fermin is amazing. Super cool & talented guy. He helped me mix my song and turned it into something that sounded super professional and radio ready."
"Kaitlin played/created a beautiful string arrangement for one of my songs. Communication was fantastic and was nothing but a pleasure to work with. Highly recommend Kaitlin for both her composition and playing. I hope..."
"The only think that was lacking in this project was the number of stars I could give to Matt. Matt did a phenomenal job, the mix is awesome, the drums are hitting like hell (in a good way), the balance of all the inst..."
"Michael delivered an awesome piano arrangement for my track. It complimented the song perfectly and was a stellar performance. Hope to be back soon!"
"Isamu delivered a fantastic piano track, including a piano pop/rock solo part that was amazing. It's always a joy to collaborate with him, and the outcome is truly top of the game."
"Loved working with Andrew again. Super professional & talented singer. Great ad libs, highly recommend!"