Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Domenico Bucarelli
I'm Christian, session drummer with the experience developed on playing and record Rock,Hip Hop,Pop,Folk, Punk,Country and Jazz, bringing out that vibe and the best sound possible. Check out some of my drum works : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLowBatX2YDPqXDAKzz0-7xzSaGccXvxgT&si=bJry98OGXGL-r7gT
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Heavy Metal, Writer & Producer My label btw, HGR Records, is a nonprofit designed to boost bands west of the Rockies... www.facebook.com/hgrrecotds I'm also shopping a film project with original 20-song soundtrack: facebook.com/bardsoffantasia
long punchline
Hey it's Nhan - pianist & producer. Whatever the style or scope of your project, I can make it happen and provide a quality product with a super quick turnaround. Let's get to work!
We're a female, minority-owned, full-service recording studio and artist service agency in Stamford, CT run by musicians, for musicians!
Sane to crazy in 0.5s that's the variety of sounds I can produce when it comes to the projects I'm working on, be it a soulful ballad or an avant-garde soundscape my production capabilities are only limited by nothing, that is only if you can prove its existence. I work reliably and efficiently always keeping you in the loop about what I'm up to.
Producer | Mixer | Composer specializing in Rock, Hybrid Rock, Pop, and Cinematic music
Creative Mixer and Producer based in Liverpool - credits include Paul Dunbar & The Black Winter Band, Disco In Sochi, El Misti
Acerca de Sérgio Esmael músico e intérprete da nova geração de artistas que tem dado o seu contributo para o enaltecimento do music coll angolano se destacando dentro do cenário musical fazendo a sua diferença tanto quanto pessoa individual e musicalmente como artista pela sua diversidade musical é um ser de natureza nobre e gentil
Recent Successes
"Wes did great work. He hit the nail on the head with what I was looking for. Phenomenal talent!"
"Myah helped me finish a song I’d been stuck on for a while! She has a great ear and a knack for catchy lyrics/melody lines! Very quick turn around too! Looking forward to working w her again! "
"Total pro. Really embraces our projects and has fun. A good partner."
"Amazing voice. Incredible attitude. She is a star! And of course on Time."
"Very talented and responsive I couldn’t of had asked for results."
"THE G.O.A.T, this man is unbelievably legendary at what he does. Everything I wanted he achieved. He has patience and listening skills that are extremely potent and the BIGGEST highlight of all is that he fully immers..."
"Nicholay is super easy to work with, super easy to communicate with and has created another amazing track for us. Super thankful for all his hard work! He always keeps right to schedule and goes above and beyond to ..."
"Alejandro is always the best choice what you can do in sound better,I would absolutely recommend him to anyone who wants to take their song to the next level. It’s always a good vibes to work with him. 1000% "
"Incredibly gifted dobro and steel player! Creative, injects feeling and emotion into his playing. Such a treat to work with him."