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Dolby Atmos & Immersive Audio in Phoenix
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I've worked with JILL SCOTT, ANTHONY HAMILTON, WILL DOWNING, NORMAN BROWN & MUSIQ SOULCHILD, to name a few and I'm interested in working with YOU!
I'm a rapper & producer with over 9 years experience in beat making, mixing, mastering and hip hop song writing. PLEASE NOTE! I will not provide full quality tag less audio until the job is complete and funds are transferred, you will however get a tagged lower res audio to review and suggest any changes you may have.
I am a composer (film music), singer-songwriter (in the past), I can record/compose/mix/arrange tracks/songs/autonomous pieces for your project.
Hello I am a mixing/mastering engineer. And I would love to bring your production to the next level!
Working in the music industry for more than 10 years, playlisted on big Radios (BBC1, NRJ Group, etc.) Specializing in EDM & Pop If you are looking to hire a top level professionals Producers or Mixers team so that your music can compete on a global scale, look no further. We will be by your side, from the creation of the title to its realization.
Fusión de géneros. Guitarrista profesional, bajista, cantante, productor y unas cosas más. Originalidad sobre todo. Cantautor bilingüe.
Always prepared to make some stuff with you
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Recent Successes
"I like to send my music to DEXY and let him do his MasteringMagic! And believe me, I'm satisfied every time! Once again he got my song SoundBetter than I could ever have imagined! I recommend him for 110%!"
"Amazing writing and voals! Got a better result than I hoped for"
"Ana has a great ear (and technical talent ) for mixing and bringing out subtleties in an arrangement — both sonically and rhythmically — that makes the song that much better. She's easy to work with, very responsive, ..."
"Amazing as always :)"
"Scott has done it again!! Yet another great vocal. A great guy to work with, and always delivers. Highly recommended!!"
"Working with FREEK was a total pleasure, It's super transperant that you are working with a top notch player here. He delivers a very quality job, If you are wondering to weather take his services or not - Don't t..."
"Molly's got an amazing voice and work flow. The 1st draft she sent me was all that I needed to finish the track. Will contact her again for sure."