Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with djexpro
With over 150 songs created, Former Lead Vocalist of Rock Band Run The Riot! Alex Alan is a Musical Force to be reckoned with,With a Bachelors Degree In Music Production from Fullsail And An Outrageous love for creating Music. He is one of the best choices to take your music to the next level if you need help with Production, Writing, Or Vocals.
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Hello My name is DMITRY I'm a Mixing Engineers / Pop Producer / Vocal processing / Songwriter I'm a 100% creative musician. I can make your music sound pro. Looking forward rock with you.
The Recording Conservatory Of Austin is the One-On-One School for Audio Engineering, Music and Video Production and Business.
Best Recording Engineers in the Game!
I am a producer, songwriter, guitarist and also mix and master in my own studio. I've been in music for over 30 years, played in bands and worked on the console for various people from different musical genres. I love to play and mix songs in different kinds of genres.
Hello! I'm Tyler. I'm a producer/audio engineer. I specialize in editing, recording mixing, mastering, cleaning, blending, tuning and producing to help my clients find their signature sound. I work within both the analog and digital realm to ensure my clients reach their best potential.
I'm a composer for 15 years, sound engineer, mixer and producer for 25 years and a pounding music lover for 143 years! I like frontal and warm sound, surprising arrangements, raw and organic textures. A song should be a journey, with multiples colours and adventures to listen to. I try to have that picture at the end anyway...
Tuscany based Mix and Master engineer, specialized in Rock & Metal genres, but experienced in anything between Classic Rock and Electronic music productions. Totally open to work on ANY kind of GENRE, and ANY kind of ARTIST and willing to help fullfill the creative and stylistic vision as efficiently as possible.
Your visions, my sound.
Recent Successes
"Mickey is super talented, I needed a hook for and she delivered very fast and she put life in a song, I'm so glad I got to work with her now a song is so going on radio airwaves, thanks to Mickey and Soundbetter."
"I just finished working on a track with Candela and was very pleased with the experience. She was accomodating with the changes I asked her and even helped with things beyond what was agreed. Thanks Candela."
"Chad took my songs from a nice song to a hot song. His mixes made my beats stand out more. And now more Dancehall artist and looking to jump on my projects. - RayBandz"
"This one was a while in the making, and Ken pulled through as always with an exceptional result. The track required us to iterate back and forth a bit to arrive at the correct sound, and Ken was a consummate professio..."
"Great work from Tom as always! He gave me a great variation of takes, and was very helpful when I requested some specific adjustments to catch parts of each in one new take. Mixing his drums will be easy, the recordin..."
"Nailed it once again and raised the bar as usual!"
"Have had three tracks done by jay now. His understanding of the world of pop and rock have made it super easy to convey my ideas and have him knock the projects out or the park. "