Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with @djcoone
Hey! I've toplined and performed on tracks for Da Tweekaz, Sub Zero Project, DJ Coone, Harddriver music, Rebelion, Besomorp, Syence, SJ and lots more!
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Nick Saya Offers full service music production from start to finish.
Electronic music producer with 15 years of experience.
Hey! I am an Audio Engineer/Music Producer from Toronto. I specialize in mixing and mastering songs, writing melodies and lyrics as well as beat making and sound for film!
Organized professional who gets along well with colleagues and clients alike. Passionate about achieving technical excellence with each project. Excited about finding new techniques and approaches for creating unique sounds that clients want and making each production the best it can be.
Gold Records for Producing, Songwriting, and Engineering. Working with PNDA not only gives you the ability to create a radio ready song, but PNDA specializes also in the Social Media Marketing of our collaboration. Check out our New Studio at PNDAProjects.com
I am a versatile singer and able to conform to several singing styles and genres. I am good with R&B, Soul, Gospel, Pop and Jazz. I enjoy singing and am very passionate about music.
Beat maker and music producer from Brazil. Already worked with artists from Sony Music such as BENI.
Semi finalist of the voice of Switzerland 2020
Recent Successes
" Jay E. Brent consistently delivers with every song he mixes and mastered. Every instrument and vocal track is perfectly placed. The blend is amazing. Great ears and mastery of the craft. Jay"
"Most reliable ,top quality ,hip-hop artist for an affordable cost. Brotha is as real they come, he will spend time formulating his fine lyrical content crafted to a lifetime of satisfaction! "
"Twice in one day! Top Quality! Great work! Absolutely exceeded my expectations each and everytime. A genius at his craft and I don't use that term loosely. Money well spent!"
"We done a lot of work with Cris and he always steps up to the plate to hit home runs with our songs. He is a great ARTIST that provides great results. We highly recommend Chris for any of your music. Thanks Cris-The T..."
"Mannnn you took my loop and made it cinematic. The embellishment you put on this track is simply dope. Like I want to release it right now. But thank you for being patient with me while I decided what I wanted. Thank ..."
"Wow! Once again Manuel was excellent on Horns For My Remake Of "Funkin' For Jamaica" by Tom Browne! Bravo!"
"SIME is the greatest, always deliviers well recorded tracks and fast revisions when needed. "