Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dizzy Spins
I get the job done
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Hello, I´m Marcelo, a music producer with more than 20 years experience collaborating with artists and TV Shows, soundtracks, etc. By producing in Spain, you can have Top 10 Hit Quality production but with lower prices. I can get the most out of your budget with highest quality results. I have my own studio based in Barcelona.
A sound sweetener who uses old techniques but with that 21st century approach to sound.
I specialize in mixing Afrobeats.
I'm a 20 year old producer-songwriter from Norway. I have mixed and mastered over 100 songs for other artists, and produced, mixed and mastered a billion songs myself. I have had my music played by big stars like Don Diablo and Jay Hardway, and been featured on radio stations all over the world. Let me hear your ideas! BrageAndre
Drummer and bassist with ten years of experience performing live and recording in the studio. I am also a songwriter and release music under the name Swan Circus. I have had the opportunity to work with many incredible musicians, including Jerry Harrison of the Talking Heads and Nicky Garratt from the UK Subs.
Taking beautiful songs, and making them gorgeous!
Beat Maker, Music Producer, Composer, Mixing Engineer. 10+ years experience in creating a vibe!
Ive worked with many famous artists in morocco and also i produce any type of beats and do mixing&mastering services
Recent Successes
"good to work with, patient, nice, responsive, she is trying hard to assist the clients' needs. "
"simply the best."
"Highly recommend working with Riley! His general professionalism, dedication, kind spirit and patience set him apart. Writing this nothing but thankful as it has been truly a pleasure working with him."
"The 2nd time I have had the pleasure of working with Myles. He's such a great artist and engineer to work with, and made the process so fun. He bossed out a mix super fast and was super attentive with replying. 10 /10 "
"Best in the biz!"
"Kind, easy to work with, and incredibly talented. I hope to work with him again! "
"I'm extremely happy with the product he made for me. I often have to ask sound engineers for a lot of revisions, not with Joey Nato. The very first version he sent me was almost perfect. I didn't need any levels chang..."
"I grew up listening to Marks work and I have to say not only was it a dream working with him But I also genuinely appreciate the level of attention and expertise he brought to the Master. Furthermore, his delivery for..."
"Giuliano did an amazing job on this song both instrumentally and vocally. He perfectly captured the style and emotion of the song, and was very easy to work with and very responsive. "