Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with divonegi
4Person Company Underground Music Producer / Engineer / Artist mehRdad pourian(*YaAs)
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Greetings! I am a composer and mixing engineer who specializes in three-dimensional binaural mixing. My job is to give the listener more sense of space, greater volume, more emotion, extract sound beyond the mind!
I have worked with producers, mixing and mastering either for or with them for the last 7 years. Producers that have releases on labels such as selected, Spinnin' Deep and ToolRoom. Not only have I produced with them, but I have also been DJ'ing along side them, so I know how a track needs to sound for the clubs/radios!
Professional quality mixes that your songs deserve.
My aim When Mixing a track for an artist or band , is to first capture their vision and keep it in mind through the entire process , the end goal is to have it sounding appropriate as well as professional.
Acoustic/Pop Cover Songs and Creative Mashups are my specialty. You've seen me with collaborators such as Kurt Hugo Schnieder, Anthem Lights, and Levi Mitchell.
If you're an artist with international ambition but English is not your first language, I can help you level up your English lyrics, pronunciation and promotional material. I will consult you through video conferencing and charge by the hour.
Who can? "joshthomascan". That's what my clients usually say. I've been blessed to work with some amazing people & projects such as 2022 Grammy Awards, Pink Sweats, Mario, "FOX's TV Show "Empire", Common & many more. I play multiple instruments, produce & engineer; even project rollouts and branding/marketing. Let's build your masterpiece!
I'm a singer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I play and listen to many genres of music, but mostly 80's pop music and acoustic folk
Recent Successes
"Carlos, once again, did an incredible job mastering one of my projects. We are doing a lot more, very soon! Thanks so much!!!"
"first rate job us completed quickly sounds awesome,finishing up tracking for Daniel to mix next month,will be my go to guy Bill ,Altered Fate"
"Rego is AMAZING!! not only does he create some really great tracks, he’s fast and efficient! he always accomodates to the style you are going for, and likes to add his own creative touch to it. He’s very professional ..."
"It was an absolute pleasure working with Golds and Tyler (his SB manager). Super professional, great communication, and Golds really delivered on the vocals. Cant ask for more than that!"
"Always a pleasure working with Vincent. He will always work the hardest on your project and give the best qaulity, no doubt in my mind. Give him a try, you won't regret it. "
"Scott has nailed every project I'sent him with great accuracy, professionalism, and he stays on top of all the nuances I ask him for with a humility and performance sense that is a great motivator within any project! "
"Wow! A master of class engineer. Now my music has life and can shine out there courtesy of Benny Steel. Good work 👍. Benny is a pro. No doubt about it."
"Molto professionale e veloce. Il lavoro é stato svolto molto bene e in tempi brevi Molto simpatico e aperto a nuove idee🫶"
"Maestro Jonathan was a pleasure to work with. Even more then the professionalism is the feeling that he joined the production team and cared just as much me. He clearly put his heart into every passage yet was flexabl..."