Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dim Lands
Elevate your music to its highest potential with a mix engineer who understands the artistry of sound.
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ScratchBuilt Studios is a completely unique recording space in Lisbon, Portugal, with well over 50 years combined experience in the recording industry. Integrating both the latest technologies as well as classic, and antique recording equipment, ScratchBuilt crafts a distinct sound from the ground up, from scratch!
Check out my web site for bio and discography stevethompsonproductions.com
Gabor Noniusz is an award winning Budapest based mixing/mastering engineer, producer and Composer. He has been working with "A List" music artists for many years.
Hi, I'm Luis, music producer, composer and sound engineer. I have more than 16 years of experience in the industry. I have worked with various artists in Usa, Australia, Europe, Asia and Latin America. I love creating music of various genres and providing outstanding customer service. I love God, read books and be updated with the new technologies
I’ll recorded drums and percussion to your music!
I've been singing professionally for 15 years, consistently in rooms of 2500+. I have even had the chance to sing in arenas for 10,000+. Music is full time for me. Singer/Songwriter.
With almost a decade of experience in the music industry, I'm a mixing engineer who specializes in mixing, mastering, and creating soundscapes. My passion lies in working closely with artists to delve deep into exactly what type of mix they'd like, on almost all genres ranging from rock to intimate singer-songwriter compositions.
Let me help you make the magic happen, I'm musically well trained and have many different qualities to bring up to the table.
Recent Successes
"Austin was great to work with! he was quick in responding and really did a good job on the mix and master. I've worked with other people that mix and master and I have to say the quality here is promising. "
"Anna is awesome! She took an idea and made it into a beautiful track! Anna was lovely, professional and so accommodating in regards to my deadline. I will definitely work with her again and you should to! :) "
"Al and his team did a great job in a short deadline. Highly recommended. "
"Chris is amazing at what he does! He worked really fast and accurate, on top of that he was really helpful and gave great feedback and tipps! A real PRO, I recommend him to everybody who is looking for amazing Voca..."
"Thanks for doing a great job Ziv! Thanks for willing to go extra mile. You add amazing flavor to my song Looking forward to work with you again! You deserve more than 5 stars and Highly recommended Ziv . Now my..."
"finally found a engineer who knows what do to! will order soon again!"
"Nice working with you nacho"
"This was our fourth project together, and we have already started a new project. Abbie has an incredibly beautiful and versatile voice. For me, she has sung pop music in the 80s style, but also pop country music. Ever..."
"Ryan's Horn parts spiced my Songs up by a lot! Very quick turnaround time and super easy going when it comes to changes, suggestions and feedback. The next time I need horns I already know who to work with! I only can..."