Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Didn't Come To Play - Holly B
Songwriter for vocalists who need an original song to showcase their talent. Writer and instrumentalist for Ocean Marino, with co-writing credits for Holly B, Otavio Tobias, and Amber Cardon.
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Producer, Arranger, sound engineer, sound designer, Dj Mix and Mastering all kind of Electronic Music House Techno Tech-house Deep House tailored music for Video, singer, and events
Recording Studio based in Milan, Italy.
A true audiophile, I’m a vocalist with a skill set that involves everything from writing the story behind the magic to singing the punchline verse to your heaters.
Multi Latin Grammy awards and nominee engineer, Rodrigo "Funai" Costa has been in front of many really sucessfull albuns recorded in Brazil in the last 10 years.
I'm a producer/songwriter/engineer/artist. I love bringing people's songs to life. Let's work together!
Hi, my name is Henrique Bon and i am a producer from Brazil. I work with trap and hip-hop in general, 3 years mixing and producing this gender. Audio Engineer graduated!
Music Producer from Bonn with a certificate for Rap Vocal Mixing/Mastering Hello! Thanks for visiting!
My name is PoloPureGrit aka Polo and I am based out of New York, NY. I've been producing music for 20 years. My concentration is predominantly in Pop, RnB and Hip Hop. I am here to create a sound based on your creative needs and wants.
Recent Successes
"Feel lucky to have worked with Matt, everything was on point, starting from getting the feeling of the songs right and making them sound great (and doing it fast to top it all)."
"Very good job ! The two songs I did with him have been excellent.Steve is a bright engineer. I am very satisfied."
"JS is reliable, professional, and a master at his craft! He's an excellent mixer and he definitely comes through with the sauce. "
"10/10, beautiful voice, perfect in arranging every detail, very professional, great contact and flexibility on the job. 100% would recommend, loved every bit of working with her."
"This isn’t the first review I’ve left for Niels, the fact that I keep returning is testament to his work. Niels can always hear the parts the song needs next he can always transfer those ideas into his work because he..."
"Another work completed with great professionalism by Anastasia who sang with extreme sweetness!"
"It's great working with Marvin. Excellent sounding master."
"Timothy delivered a great epic bass track that adds great value to my song. It was great to work with him. Do not hesitate to hire him, you will be very happy"
"Please listen to the other reviews and book Ivan today. Highly recommend! Did a fantastic job with the tuning, timing and my comping requests for my vocals. His attention to detail is fantastic and everything ..."
"Betty is now a 'goto vocalist' whenever I have a project, and we have now covered quite a few genres, ranging from Pop and EDM to Country and Adult Contemporary. Two of our collaborations have made it into the semi f..."