Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Diana Prince
Classic top-Quality sound, Mixing and Mastering Engineer, just got my degree @ Berklee and I'm ready to rock!
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APM Music Studio Recording Mixing Mastering Beat Production Photo/Video Shoots Graphic Design
You want something fresh and exciting? You want "that sound"? You want it to punch, hit and pop? You need that song to come to LIFE? ......THAT'S MY JAM!
I'm William, a multifaceted artist and music professional with a passion for creating unforgettable sonic experiences. With a portfolio that spans the globe and a proven track record of delivering top-quality work, I'm here to elevate your project to the next level.
A educated music producer/sound engineer mixes your songs from his home studio.
Provide digital marketing services acoss the world.
Versatile and passionate singer-songwriter. Vocals soft and powerful.
I am passionate about elevating songs with lush layers, sweeping movements, and surprising elements through my live string recordings.
Pro mixer, producer, engineer with Grammy-nominated projects, millions of sales/streams, and mainstream radio airplay looking to work with you on your project! Smashing Pumpkins, Everclear, Five for Fighting, David Bowie, Mariah Carey, Pat Metheny, and many more. Open to talk with any artist about mixing their work.
Recent Successes
"JayyDee is totally a pro; he is willing to work, work, work to get the project done the best that it can be. I used him as a vocalist, and I highly recommend him. "
"Matt exceeded my expectations by a million miles!! The product I got out of it: AMAZING!! Highly professional, very friendly and stand out quality!!! One of those rare talents!! Looking forward to work with again! "
"I love working with Thom. I know I can trust him to go the extra mile to bring my songs to life with his drum and percussion parts. "
"Great music arranger and good ear. Was very patient and willing to work with me throughout the project. I will highly recommend him for the arrangement of what you're hearing in your head."
"Agustin is great! He understood exactly what I wanted to do with the track, never lost sight of that in the process and used his skills to realize it. In the reviews – Agustin offers them until satisfaction, which say..."
"Work is always on point. Amazing producer. "