Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with della rose
Genre-crossing Violinist/Fiddle player who’s toured with the Eagles, Dustin Lynch, Jenna Paulette, Kat Hasty, Zane Williams, etc., and played shows with The Who, video game orchestras, and various rock bands. Recorded with Polyphonic Spree. I ran a recording studio for five years, producing and engineering country, pop, rock, and gospel projects.
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we are team of Musicians and Audio Engineers. We do Music composition, Music Arrangement, Sound design for game and video,Script writing, Recordings, Location sound, Mixing and Mastering work.
An all-rounded individual who co-writes, arrange, records and mixes music for artists and bands to get their music heard with quality. I have produced with independent artists to get their music from voice memos to a track heard by the world.
Punk rocker who is finishing BA studies for Music Production. Recorded, mixed & mastered all types of music in my studies but expertise lie in the realm of guitar based band music. Want to try and learn more! Have done dialogue recording & editing along with sound design work for YLE & live engineering in alternative music club Vastavirta-Klubi.
Southern based music producer with 9 years experience and 10k hours clocked in. I have a taste for new music. Trying to find trends before they happen!
Wolvo has been creating songs for over a decade. Having worked and lived in Los Angeles. London, Germany and Amsterdam working in world class recording studios with labels such as Warner Music, Capitol Records, Disney Music Group. Kontor Records, Armada and Sony Music
Arranger, multi-instrumentalist and mix engineer based in the Pacific Northwest.
I am a eclectic singer/songwriter from London, UK. I specialise in RnB but I am versatile and can also cover all genres of music. I have a wide range and very well crafted vocal ability. I have mastered the ability to write tracks in a short period of time that can reflect the emotions and intentions intended.
Australian-born vocalist with experience both in the studio and on stage. My thick accent and large dynamic range makes me stand out from the crowd.
Recent Successes
"Ruben is very creative artist. I am not a musician, and my project was unique - but Ruben had to create it from scratch for me - and he did a great job! I'd use him again for sure!"
"An honour to have an amazing professional touch a project of mine — thanks to him it sounds so much more 'glued' together and he is a very nice person to boot!"
"Chance was amazing from start to finish. He is a world-class producer, engineer, and musician. The amenities at the Hunter Springs studio are outstanding. The setting for the recording was both idyllic and scenic; thi..."
"An absolutely great producer, really listens to your wishes and executes really good results as well as good advice with anything to do with the music."
"Been a while since I recorded and I went back to Stvrk, as usual, the man exceeds and enhances your track further than you can imagine! elite mixing skills combined with true professionalism and dedication to get the ..."
"I had about half a dozen projects mastered by VLM in the last few months and every single one turned out phenomenal! Thank you so much again Wes!"
"Gio is the best producer in business. Been working with him for about a year now, he never fails to deliver. Thanks Gio!"