Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Delfi Casetta
Rap, Hip-Hop and Pop Music Producer, Editor and Mixing Engineer. F**k yeah! All the vibe, character and punch that You wants is here
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Latin American Touch Colombian Engineer, working in all Europe Expert • Signal Flow • Electronic Devices • Pro Tools Operator • Patch-bay • Mixing Consoles Operator • Microphone techniques • Guitar Recording • High level mixing techniques
Dimension Sounds Studios is the continuation of a classic Boston recording facility in operation from the 60's through the late 80's. Reopened in 2011, the new Dimension Sound retains much of the original vibe (and some of the gear) with updates for modern recording workflows.
Grammy winning, multiplatinum songwriter of hits for over 30 top recording artists!
Top 24 American Idol Contestant - powerful and dynamic vocalist with an ear for harmonies.
I'm a Chicago-based flute player with 25+ years experience, a gorgeous professional sound, a 14K gold flute and a wide variety of ethnic flutes on hand to find the perfect voice for your project. Have a listen and give me a shout!
Alive music
Electro Music Producer.
Recent Successes
"Alex P. This is my 3rd song with Dan and it's all the same. He does awesome work, is fun to work with, and just a good guy."
"I am happy that Mario is mixing my music - he's extremely talented with a good ear, which is hard to find. totally worth it!"
"Alexandru is great to work with and has a proffesional attitude and patience when you need a lot done to your track. The mixing really adds some value to the sound."
"Second time working with him. No doubt, professional and true to description, he is a 'life-changing engineering'. Made my mix sounded like a true professional. Will definitely reach out to him again. Thanks Nacor!"
"It was a pleasure working with Gerald. He definitely knows his craft and utilizes his abilities to get you your desired sound.He is patient and seeks to obtain your desired outcome. I would highly recommend him. "
"Hermano Andres is one of the best technicians I have come across. Exactly what you can expect from a grammy-winning producer. But what did strike me most about him, how caring he is. I am not a renown musician yet he ..."
". the work with Aneesh was very fluid and pleasant. the rendering is excellent and personal. Very nice musicality. Thank you Aneesh"
"Kimera deliver a beautiful, tasteful and well controlled vocal - very professional sounding + very pleasant to work with! Definitely recommend! "
"Exceeded expectations. Couldn't be happier with the song, Arlis really delivered. Highly recommend Arlis if you want a serious, committed songwriter on your project. "