Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dehry
I worked for a few years collaborating with local artists and producers to find myself as an artist. After defining my sound and identity, I started working on my first EP titled “1996” named after the year I was born. For the third single released, "Besame"
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I'm specialized in mixing & mastering with hardwares. though I use both plug-ins hardwares. but the hardwares mix & master gives a warmth & depth to the song or music.
Worked on more than 200 albums in the last 15 years, producing or recording. Synthesis and Synthesizer Programming Specialist Hybrid mixing system. I’ll be very glad to help you improving and/or finishing your track! Get in touch for a personalized estimate!
Creative lyrical writter. Mostly rap but I can expand genres when needed!
Hey all! I'm a singer-songwriter/musician I've been writing music for almost ten years now and graduated with a Songwriting degree from Belmont University. I've been playing guitar as well for over 10 years. I have experience in Audio Engineering DAWS Logic Pro and Pro Tools. I have been mixing and mastering singles and demos for others.
I have worked with tons of artists across America and even across the globe. I am the most professional and affordable option that you will come across. I can’t wait to get to know you more personally and start off the beginning of our journey together!
For the past years i have been a part of an all women band, (Amazing experience!) and that gave me the strengh to began my solo journey. The love I have for singing and songwriting appeared as a teen and it seems to be my way of serving this world, and serving others, that is way i'll keep it up and want to share it even more.
We create digital marketing content for recording artists, music producers, DJs, record labels, festivals and more.
Writing ambient music for games and videos
Recent Successes
"Did an awesome job . highly recommend"
"Amazing engineer and very fast turn around. Analogue depth and warmth is such a great complement to the tracks. Feel way more glued and cohesive after Carlo's touch."
"Aubrey is very creative with her sound, resourceful and has a deep knowledge and understanding within the music industry and overall she's a great producer. From my idea she was able to create and fully produce a prof..."
"Many many thanks!!"
"Tibi gets it. He really excelled in taking my half produced home-recorded big idea into a big song. In my case I wanted tasteful commercial indie-pop and he 100% delivered. I like that he was willing to share ideas an..."
" Daryl W. Another great job from Mark. He can do anything, folks. A superb artist and an unfailingly genial guy to work with. I'm lucky to have found him lo so many projects ago."
"Chris is becoming my go-to guy for all things guitar related on my tracks. He's delivered exactly what I've wanted every time and I'll be looking forward to the next one!"
"Amazing and fast Mixing and Mastering for 2 Songs, good & fast communication! Looking forward to work with him again! Everything perfect! "