Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with deepNheat
My Music has Charted in Beatport in the new release Category of Electropop/Dance,House and Funky/Groove/Jackin'house. I've also had a cuple of my tracks make it onto a Spotify editorial Playlist if your looking for someone to remix your music Mix or Master Contact Me..
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My name is Jesse Lack, I'm 18 years old and I've been producing music for about four years. I specialize in Hiphop production but will often branch out and try to expand my skill set. Along with beat making, I also do a lot mixing and engineering. I find a lot of joy in taking a song from the raw recordings and turing it into a beautiful final.
I, Brazilian guitarist, producer, mixing and mastering technician. I've always worked with rock, metal, indie rock and pop rock. Check out some of my works on my soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/douglas-ramirez
Creative Producer/Engineer with years of experience, a degree in Music and a Master's in Music Production from Berklee College of Music, certification from Avid and Sonnox, and I love to make music.
I’m just looking to collab hmu
Josh is a RIAA Certified multi gold and platinum audio engineer. His customer service skills and attention to detail are unlike any other. A Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences graduate, Josh is well rounded in all aspects of audio. Choosing Josh for your next project will bring everything but disappointment.
Vocalist, topliner, songwriter and pianist based in London, UK, but working with people all over the world (hello Zoom sessions!👋)
Bon Ai (Bonani Jula) is a young producer from a small town Margate, South Africa. I grew up loving music from recording tape cassettes to vinyl's at a time where war was raging music was my sanctuary. No one taught me how to make music, because of my passion for music I had to make myself work though the odds were backed against me.
I began my journey as a Conservatory-trained pop guitarist, with a knack for creating catchy tunes that have a bit of an edge. As I built my home studio and collaborated with various artists, I discovered my true talent: uncovering the essential soul of a song while staying true to the artist's vision. Now, I want to find fresh new stuff!
Recent Successes
"Andrew did a great job with another challenging song. Strongly recommend. He is very professional and talented. "
"I've got goosebumps all over me! He nailed it ! Tony B is 101 % professional"
"Mig did a fantastic job on mastering my song. I recommend working with him and I definitely will come back for more. "
"You were very good to understand what I was looking for, and you did it in the best way! Nice and helpful, I could not find a better singer ! A perfect combination of soft and powerful vocals. Thanks thanks thanks!!!"
"I was happily surprised to find that Mr. Mig was working over the Holiday (NYE). What a great work ethic! I have sent every single one of my songs to him for Mastering (a very important final step). I play the song ve..."
"As always, Davey is delivering! Works hard on projects so everybody is happy!"
"Working with Matty was effortless. He delivers polished mixes with creative enhancements, he listens very well to feedback and makes revisions promptly and effectively, and he is also just a pleasant person to work wi..."
"Absolutely brillant to work with! Andrew kept constant communication as he crafted my first track. He listened to me completely then understood and shared my vision for my music. He is an incredible prouder that meets..."
"Doug puede escribir un hit en un día, me encanto el trabajo que hizo y la rapidez con la que compone. En verdad que soy fan de su talento."
"This is my first time to work with her and she is very, very talented! She communicates very well, provided the project very quickly and professionally. She has a wonderful voice and plays guitar well. I WILL be ..."
"Another TOP Vocal performance / session with NT Martin that went above and beyond my expectations !! Anyone looking for these professional attributes will not be disappointed. His voice is Gold !!"