Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dedey
Working with Top Romanian Artists since 2009 | Millions of Plays | Over 400 Singles | Dozens of Albums & EPs. I'd love to hear about your project. Contact me and let's make a hit! :)
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we are the most successful independent recording and production facility in the Middle East. We are now in our 11th successful year and have recently added a bunch of new and exciting services. We offer unrivalled service at extremely competitive prices for the Music, Web and TV industries.
Hello My name is Evan Blum and I am here to help make your song sound right on the money! See some work on mine on Youtube.com/blume6546
I specialize in singing and mixing finished, polished vocals, ready for demo use or otherwise. I also have extensive experience as a mixer and producer and have written/produced multiple songs for top 40 artists.
I release my own music under an artist name "Mykeys", and also make music for other artists.
I'm a music producer from Jakarta who just recently moved to Bali to find a more diverse musical environment because it's a more international city than the capital city. I usually fuse instrumental and electronic music sound in my production, with many talents from different musical backgrounds. I also play the clarinet and accordion.
Your song is my song. Completely commited to work, mixing it's my passion.
If you're feeling stuck with your productions wether it's composing, arrangement or the sonics of the song, I can give you a hand in reaching that level you want your songs to sounds like. My goal is to make you happy and proud of the work you've been doing. Shall we?
Hi, I am Divya Panchal a songwriter. I am working as a composer and lyricist since 6years. I only compose or write Hindi songs. You may check my work over Youtube by searching "Divya Panchal" and you will find few of my songs name as following: Aadhi Raat, Na Jana, Tanhiyaan, Bekhof, Kuch Lafz, Pyar Kiya Karein, Fanaah, Yeh Raat, etc.
Recent Successes
"Simply perfect! "
"Will is an absolute professional! He completed a song including an instrumental track, topline and vocals. Will exceeded my expectations. I love the song, it is definitely top of the charts material!"
"Refugee is a great producer! I was very specific on the sound I wanted for my song and he produced me the song I was hoping for. Now, I plan to work with him again for my next song. "
"did a great job on mastering my track. my second time using his services."
"Super fast and really really high quality. You don't get to see those two together very often!"
"If you're looking for a surgeon to fix a beat on your hands, look no further!! Added some heart, soul and his unique style to it..! And dude is still on it with the details. This thing bangs now. Thank you..."
"Ari has a spectacular voice! It's so pure...and I am particularly impressed by how high her range is. This is my second time working with her and it only gives me more confidence to work with her again! Her voice i..."
"Stephen is a great guy. Has a good feel for music and can create. Nice warm tone to his vocal and flow is spot on. 🤘🏼"