Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dear Audrey
As it sounds in your head, I´ll put it on your speakers.
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Believe in your self and work hard!!! www.orensharon.com
A veteran songwriter and producer, I specialize in hybrid productions that strike a balance between live musicianship and technology. My goal is to help artists find the most licensable versions of themselves. Compositions and productions have landed on FX, Netflix, Cartoon Network, Showtime, TNT, NBC, CBS, Showmax etc.
Music lover FIRST!! Former Baritone in Voiceplay (Acappella Group seen on "The Sing Off") Top 48 on "American Idol" Season 14 Currently, Bass Vocalist in the United States Navy Band (Sea Chanters) Humble and easy to work with! Have a conversation with me before releasing any music with my name or vocals on it.
I work as a content writer at a leading firm in England and thereon forward I discovered my passion for writing articles and doing research. I love to write.
Need that extra crisp sound with some extra punch? Let me help you!
Sonic Arts is a recording studio that also provides session musicians.
Since 2001 I have experiences with bands, composing, writing songs, producing, live shows, recordings, studio sessions, tv programs, video clips. The music already took me to play at the Hard Rock Cafe, New York. Naturally I started working with audio edits, production, mix and master. If you need help to sound better, let's work together!
Me gusta la misica producirla y cantar
Recent Successes
"It's always a pleasure to work with Brad. This time he was mastering my Song "Break Free" and the result was simply outstanding. He lifted my song to the next level. Great high quality result, quick turnaround and - a..."
"The Clarity and The Balance , I Simply Loved it , Andres Sir is Very Responsive and Very Kind as well , The Whole Team is Awesome Thank you Andres Sir "
"Great to work with Yoad, he brought out the best in the tracks, Neve Platinum production!"
"Chuck moves mountains with his creativity, musicality and jaw-dropping drumming. He took 3 of my songs to a level I didn't even know they could get to! Genius. I'm extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to ha..."
"I'm absolutely speechless. I'm at a loss for words to explain just how amazing the guitar and banjo parts are that Zachary came up with for my song. Brought my song to a completeley new level -- all within a ligning f..."
"Very professional and quick communication! Awesome and very nice person to work with!!"