Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dead Perrenials
Hey, I'm Ethan Kregel, your dedicated audio engineer, producer, and songwriter. Some clients that I am proud to have worked with include Kelis, B Howard, Petco, Yelena Friedman and more.
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Inverse Studios is a artist development company which helps up coming or established artists with all their creative needs. By maintaining the integrity of music by using the highest quality of sound production. We will take care of your project like it's our own.
I'm a big picture musician. Session guitarist, composer, and producer. My work has appeared on FOX, CBS, HBO, MTV, VH1, Bravo, and many more. I bring my production expertise to all my guitar session work. I specialize in pop/rock, modern country, gospel/CCM, and ambient textures. I'm university educated in music and have real-world experience.
I am a composer, orchestrator, sound designer and programmer. With an experience of over 5 years in the music industry and 2+ years of experience in the film industry I am looking out for opportunities of all sorts.Having composed for Tv ads, corporate videos and feature films I am sure that I can deliver the best quality within any given time.
Hi, I'm Sandro, a french independant sound engineer and musician from Paris. My goal? Serve your music and give it the power, punch and clarity that will impact your listeners, driving them into true fans of your art.
1. Studied Sound Engineering @ Soundideaz Academy, Mumbai 2. Assistant Sound Engineer @ Songbird Studios, Mumbai
Very versatile, strong vocals, bilingual singer and songwriter from Argentina. Touring and recording artist. Signed as an official Sony Music artist since 2015. Berklee College of Music graduate. Shared stage with Natalia Lafourcade, Carlos Rivera, Jorge Drexler, Ximena Sarinana, Paty Cantu, Monsieur Perine. Instagram: @silvinamoreno
Beatmaker Producer
Professional singer with years of experience. My unique tone fits so many genres like Pop, R&B, EDM, Afrobeats, Jazz and more. I deliver top-notch vocals with industry-standard gear. Also I'm a songwriter/topliner, ready to craft melodies and lyrics that elevate your record if you need me to. Let's get it!
Recent Successes
"Kirsten was a great pleasure to work with. Very professional and a beautiful voice!"
"Officially a repeat customer! Our band loves working with Jeff and he's proven he's able to handle to work with many genres. Love knowing that beyond getting a great mix, we can trust it to sound gorgeous on anything ..."
"Cris has an absolute golden voice! I requested variation, creativity and style. He gave me all 3, and alot more... Impressed with his communication and turn around. Looking forward to our next project together!"
"Steven did a great job nailing a demo vocal for us. His voice is great, and he was very accommodating... even going back and re-singing some parts. We'll use him again in the future."
"Fabian has been so kind and patient as we communicate between different continents/time zones!! He has been such an incredible producer and his track record working with some insanely talented artists also allowed me ..."
"Really amazing and impressive what Mike does with horn layering and recording! You really get a big horn section sound here and interpretation of phrases is really dead on. Timely delivery as well - thanks so much!"
"Jonas did a great job playing strings on my song. Very professional and wonderful playing. A pleasure working with him."
"Charlene is amazing and if you're reading this just hire her. What are you waiting for. What - do you want me to say stuff like about timbre and warmness in sound? Come on lol - You're just looking for a review to kno..."