Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with DB Walker
I can help you to produce fully developed, unique versions of your songs that are of the highest quality for the best commercial releases. I work with Artists to get the best recorded performances and then develop or help you find your unique sound through instrumental arrangements, orchestration, advanced mixing process and years of experience.
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Experienced musician/sound engineer, MAI (Music Academy International, in France) graduated in Jazz/Fusion speciality. I evolved in different styles of music during my career, and put me at service of music is my motto. Always open to new encounters and musical experiences is my motivation, the human and the music my key words. Meet us...
mixing, producing, composing, mastering,
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Professional results and high quality sound at an affordable cost.
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I've been playing Electric Guitar professionally since 2002. I mostly love to play Rock, Metal, Blues, Pop guitar riffs and solos. Here's my youtube channel for more reference: https://www.youtube.com/@CarloMartinYrure/videos
Dynamic EDM and Hip-Hop lyricist and rapper bringing your beats to life with punchy hooks and unforgettable verses.
Recent Successes
"Fun to work with her. Over delivers. Extremely talented. Positive attitude. Easy when we made changes. Great experience. Oh I forgot sweet! Hope to work together again soon! "
"Ollie is wise beyond his years. He was very patient with all of my directions and made my track come to life. If you want a beautiful instrumental track, then go with Ollie."
"Simon did such an amazing job! We really enjoyed working with him and he was able to nail everything for this song. So talented! Will for sure reach out to him again for the next one... Allen "
"Sean is easily one of the most talented person I've ever had the pleasure of working with Incredible communication & care to make sure we got the best result "
"It's such an honer that can have Megan on the track again! Nicely done, can't wait to let the world to hear it! "
"R Reed delivers big!! My team has hired him several times now. He always brings the goods!"
"Stefanie is a great professional, I will definitely contact her for further work. Highly recommended!!!"
"Chris! I have no words and so many words! Total pro. Knows what to do. Most of the time our notes just made the song worse haha. Best album mixing experience Ive had in my musical life of 20+ years. He just completed ..."