Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Day1
Specializing in Hip-Hop, R&B, Pop and Trap, Liam is available to bring your productions to the next level!
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More providers:
Forastero Recording Studio, Rehearse Record Live
I do what's needed to be done so as to create value for my clients
Thanks for visiting! My name is Jason Fabus, and I am a professional saxophonist and woodwind recording artist. I also work as a songwriter and producer. Music is a full time job that I absolutely love.
Hi guys I'm new here. My focus is to get the best sound & good ideas from the music produced and recorded by the artist. I love music and have deep respect for the artistic choices in a song, Sharing and respect during the production process and the mix are my goals.
20+ Million streams worldwide, working with the biggest contemporary artists right now. So, if you're looking for a producer in the hottest seat, who can deliver you top industry sounding productions, then hit me up!
I specialize in providing acoustic piano overdubs (felt piano, upright, grand, etc...). My background in composing/classical music study/performing/improvising along with my studio instruments/gear (several uprights, vintage keyboards, mics, preamps, etc..) and more equips me to take your tracks to a new level with the addition of keys.
As a music producer and audio engineer, I offer a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise. With years of experience in the industry, I can help you bring your musical vision to life, whether you're an up-and-coming artist or an established performer.
Hi yall I’m Shaw and I make music that I love :)
Recent Successes
"Gabriel.. a young talented and amazing bassist we meet....he know exactly what we want..more like we work with our own basis Highly Recommended .. see you on next Project Cheers Rahmat"
"I enjoyed working with Wes. Great job and communication, all professional. We'll definitely work again."
"I am very happy with the results!!! Matthew worked with a lot of dedication and devotion. It was easy to communicate with Matthew, as he is very fast in understanding my ideas. He is a very talented guitarist as well...."
"Tyree is a real pro... Great ear and I believe he has the ability to see the vision of the artist. He honestly did not need any direction. Fantastic Mix and Master.. Highly Recommend ! A - 1 "
"Amazing job!!! Highly recommend. No one else I'd rather work with on producing/mixing. "
"Coming through again, and again, and AGAIN! Marcello and his studio team provided the perfect musicians AND the perfect mixing and mastering to make my song shine its very brightest. It's a pretty big statement to say..."
"Max was fantastic! Very good at communicating and went above and beyond with the final product. Such a great ear for music, and I couldn't be happier with the result!"
"Yoad is a wonderful — highly skilled, attentive, kind — musician. This is my first experience with SoundBetter and, oh, does Yoad set a high bar! He mixed and mastered my three-song EP, and the entire process was a pl..."
"If you need to pick someone to help you with your song i recommend Matty to everyone ! This was the second time i worked with him on mixing and mastering a song and he immediately reminded me why i picked him the firs..."