Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Day Clinic
I mix everything between electronic and Rock, giving depth, space and punchiness to your songs.
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My name is Oleg I Mixing Engineer, compose electronic music, Pop-Rock and classical.
I have worked as a Sound Designer since 2002. I support the imagery and cinematography through design and creation of sound, determined by the dramatic requirements. With sounds, noises and Tones I love to create atmospheres and touch the audience on the necessary emotional level always strenghthening and supporting the vision of the director.
battery weed wacker
I made a music video cover of ‘Old Town Road’ by Billy Ray Cyrus and Lil Nas X and Billy shared my music video on all of his social media platforms for his fans to see too!
I am the go-to audio guy!
I'm always going to try to give you my best work and effort in competing with you.
Producer, Film Composer, Keytarist
I've been playing the violin for 25 years, both in chamber ensambles and symphonic orchestras (inlcuding Argentina's National Symphony Orchestra). I also play rock, pop, electronic and even dancing music!
Recent Successes
"Pat was ultrafast and he gave me options on all his performances so I could pick and choose what I liked best. Followed directions great but also was able to be creative when asked. "
"The best in the game. Through and concise! Reason why he is one of the highest rated providers on SoundBetter. Will be using him a ton! Thanks again Wes and I recommend anyone who needs hit records to hit my man Wes up!"
"Cecilia was not only professional and timely, but what she did was amazing. She took every note and applied it better than I expected. A true professional, and an amazing artist. "
"Wes crushed it!! Nailed the vibe, nailed the sound, and his talent shines through. Super professional and I’m grateful I have his vocals on my record now, it brought it up into another dimension, thanks again! -Trevor "
"Was an absolute pleasure working with Brendan. Will be doing so again. "
"Time after time João delivers outstanding work. Love working with him. "
"Great all round - thanks Ziv! "
"I am so excited!!! Elliot is brilliant! And he's brilliant as a person. I will continue to work with him! I'm speechless! Thank you thank you thank you! "