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Davos-Platz Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am a Lyricist looking for artists to write songs for. The more versatile, the better. Leaning heavily in the Alternative genre. I, musically, like a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
Hi, I'm KRUMPYBLAZE. I'm a DJ/Music Producer with 15+ years experience in the music industry. I work closely with R&B/Pop artists and rappers, in order to elevate their careers. DJ | Music Producer | Mixing Engineer | Beatmaker | Pianist | Drummer | Percussionist from Reunion Island, South Africa 🇷🇪 📍Currently based in Montréal, Canada 🇨🇦
Strings Recording Ensemble, Strings Recording Orchestra, Strings Recording Quartet
I’ve recorded and toured with Brian Eno, AIR, Bryan Ferry, Florence + The Machine, Craig Armstrong, Imogen Heap & David Holmes amongst others. I bring the sauce.
Nem Tudo Que Parece é!
I focus on vibes, because that's what sells the song. If you want a high quality, radio-ready and professional production - then I am your guy. Tell me about your idea/song! Looking forward to hearing from you.
I am a professional tracking engineer, mix engineer, and session guitar player operating out of 33rd Street Studio in Edmond, OK. I specialize in hip hop, funk and blues. I am a multi-instrumentalist with a wide knowledge of music theory, with a creative approach to mixing and production to help bring songs to life.
I'm an LA-based vocalist with extensive experience in studio recording, song writing collaboration, and public performance alongside award-winning and Grammy-nominated LA Session Musicians.
Recent Successes
"My second cooperation with Joey, he is awesome to work with, a true artist, a great lyrics' writter, and amazing voice, the least I can say. Joey is a 5 stars artist, thank you."
"I hired Matt for drum programing and he absolutely took my song where it needed to go. The samples he used sound fantastic and fit perfectly into my session. Very excited to work with him again! "
"Your ingenuity has been the link between my music and the sky. You have demonstrated high level of professionalism and were always available with a very open musical spirit. Thank you for all"
"One of my best experiences on SoundBetter. Peter is a seriously good guitar player with style and finesse and gave me exactly what I needed plus a little something I didnt know I needed yet. Made my life easier."
"I needed some top-line vocals for a track and Florence far exceeded my expectations! Super happy with the results! She understood the brief and creatively what I wanted. She literally sent the audio files within the..."
"Great working with Andres as always! There's nothing better than working with a mastering engineer that you trust to give you honest technical feedback on your mix 'before' going into mastering to ensure the best resu..."
"Ralph is amazing. He took my initial idea and elevated it to an entirely new level! Working with him was a pleasure, and he is undoubtedly one of the best in the industry."
"Besides being an amazing drummer, Dan is also great to work with on the production side as well. He got my song sounding better than I could have imagined! Dan is patient and responds very quickly to questions or chan..."