Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with David Dialma
Luk Kipfer is guitarist, songwriter and recording engineer of the chart topping (#3 Album „Eyes Closed“) and international touring (USA, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Ukraine, Singapore) alternative rock band „The Souls“. Currently working on the new album of the New York band Augustines together with their singer and frontman William McCarthy.
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Nicolas Rossi has a bachelor's degree in Mechatronics Engineer (Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP), a specialization course from Berklee College of Music (Art of Mixing) and private training sessions with Enrico de Paoli (Brazilian Grammy Award Mixing Engineer). He's a part owner of ATM Studio and the primary Mixing Engineer. Recent jobs
Certified-Gold Music Producer, Songwriter and Mix/Master Engineer. Top 10 on Billboard's 'Next Big Sound' #1 on iTunes In 6 Countries.
Full production services, 20 years experience, collaborations with international artists. Produced/Engineered/Mix/Mastering of several hit singles. Always available to comments or questions regarding your project!
Noodle Music is a small studio capable of a big sound. We like to keep things simple - great gear, affordable prices in a dynamic & creative space.
Releases w/ Martin Garrix, Armin van Buuren, Steve Aoki & 500+ more! 175,000,000+ streams
canyouhearmenow? is based in Croydon, South London. We have expert engineers, producers and tools plus resources to help you strive the best quality sound and make it as artist!
TAKE YOUR SONGS TO THE NEXT STEP. And let your music expand its emotional impact beyond any expectations.
Salar Khezri Diploma in Mathematics Physics 2009 to 2013 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, Tabriz 2015 to 2018 Bachelor of Architecture in Mahabad 2015 to 2019 Contractor and architectural designer of the building 2017 to 2021 Activity in the field of executive, content production and production of car and Aphrodite clips Since 2010, I haveb
Recent Successes
"Hugo has as always delivered massive Drums, he is the NO1 Drummer ! What starts as a project leads with his Drums to a great Album, he is not only someone he plays perfect Drums, I can now call him friend, THX Hugo "
"Quality editing as always. "
"The quality of work this man delivers always goes above and beyond! Bringing the right type of vibes everytime for the type of beat!"
"Absolutely fabulous. Understood what I was looking for and nailed it first try. Exceptional quality, timely and kind responses. Amazing!"
"Everything was great! Exceeded my expectations and would definitely work with again. "
"Consistently delivers quality product, w a sense of urgency, has never been late!"
"Having completed my second single with Simon, I have to say that I am just over satisfied with the result his work. Simon is a masterpiece maker. Looking forward to starting the next project with him. "
"Very prompt to respond and turned my project around very quickly. Quality of the work product was excellent and exceeded my expectations!"
"Great work from KUYANO, it was my first job with him and I will surely go back! He delivered the track polished and super quick!"
"Paul slays. His tone is amazing and he was able to adapt what I wanted for my track. He put my track over the top. Cant wait to hear it now after the mix. Dont hesitate to hire this artist. "