Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with David Ashley Trent
Having worked with many Grammy® Award winning artists over the last decade, I am a producer & multi-instrumentalist available to record, arrange, and produce your next song, jingle, or album! Visit www.brandonjbagby.com to learn more.
I've produced or played on nearly a thousand demos for hundreds of clients in my 10 years as a professional in the Music Industry.
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304 MASTERING is a professional Audio Mastering facility for musicians, producers and labels, using the web based in Sweden.
Audio Mixing, Audio Mastering, Audio Production - this is what I am professional at, this is what I devote all my time to.
Will mix and master your tracks preserving the vibe and feel of the original whilst adding depth, clarity and excitement.
At Stanton Creative Studios, we'll get the job done well.
Your idea is likely good, but if it’s not edited and mixed well, nobody will see the diamond in the rough. Disney, NBC, Monstercat, Axtone, Revealed, etc.
Crafting electrifying soundscapes that fuse the essence of the artist that you want! – I'm the mixing, ghost producer and songwriter who turns musical visions into chart-topping reality.
Electronic music with a touch of funk guitar. I'll help you create modern music with my multi instrumental background in jazz, funk, rock and pop. Iterations until we both are happy with the results.
Over 7 years, I've been dealing with music production for rap and rock genres. My improvement comes from my own songs and creativity.
Recent Successes
"Colin is a fantastic audio engineer. He made my songs sound great and he was a pleasure to work with - responsive, professional and gracious. I heartily recommend his services to anyone looking for someone who can tak..."
"Working with SÉB was an amazing experience. Probably the most talented and professional singer songwriter I’ve work with. Looking forward to work with you again. "
"After working with Austin, the mixing and mastering of my track became 100 times better than anything I could have ever made on my own. It might have taken some time, but that one's mostly on me since I am a bit of a ..."
"I started talking with Mariami here on SB and let her listen to the RAW demo of my track. We agreed and she helped me from a theme to produce lyrics for the track. Instant connection and well done work from her! ..."
"Fast, friendly and professional. Natalie is now in my favorite list for further projects. Thanks a lot!!"
"If your looking to get proper mastering hit up Tyree. He went back n forth with me a bunch of times to make sure I got the exact sound I was looking for, n as somebody who cares about quality that was perfect. Quick r..."
"On a five star rating, Brittany gets a 10. There is simply nobody better to add vocals, a top line, songwriting, or anything else. She is a star. "